Audition tape.

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"Eric, will you hold the damn camera still? Don't think I won't replace you, because I will do it if I have to." A girl with a commanding voice, short blonde hair and blue eyes glares at the boy behind the camera.

"Sorry Iris." The boy replies nervously. Iris had a certain sense of authority and regality about her and you couldn't blame the camera man for being uneasy in her presence.

The video is taking place outside somewhere that looks like a park, Iris walks over to a girl that is sat on the bench reading. This girl is identical to Iris only she has longer hair and her blue eyes don't contain the same ferocity as Iris'. "Lily we're rolling."

Lily looks up from her book. "Oh! I didn't know." In contrast to her twin's voice, Lily's is soft and kind and doesn't immediately grab your attention.

The girls walk up to the camera and finally begin their audition.

Iris takes the lead. "Hello, my name is Iris and this is my twin Lily-" Lily waves at the camera, "although total drama will be a Canadian TV show and we're British, we are still auditioning because it looks like great fun and we could each bring something different to the competition."

"Iris is very competitive and tough and-" Lily began but was interrupted by Eric behind the camera.

"And scary." He added.

"You shut your damn mouth Eric or I'll show you just how scary I can be." Iris threatened.

"As I was saying...yeah...well, I speak fluent Spanish, French and Chinese-"

"And Iris speaks fluent Bitch." Eric interrupted again.

"That's it Eric!" Iris launches herself at Eric causing the camera to be dropped and the lens to crack. You can just make out Iris beating up some boy and hear Lily shout "damn it Eric! Iris get off him, it was just a joke!" Before the video cuts off.

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