
8 0 0

( knock knock)
It's 8:00 in the morning who could be at my door 😴😓!

(Opens door)
Good morning desirae I found little miss nyla wondering in my back yard , thought you might want her back!

Oh thanks miss.lebosky . I don't know why she was in your yard or how she even got outside !?

Well I thought you let her out last night!

What time last night?

9 ish .

Miss.lebosky I wasn't here last night ,I didn't get home till midnight .!!

Well you might wanna start guarding those doors someone's tryna get ya

Thanks again miss.lebosky ,have a great day!

You to bye now

(Close door)

Who the hell wants to get me I Don't even talk to people. I bet it's gonna be like one of those id channel shows! The girl with no friends always gets killed , She has no friends so no one will notice her gone . I have to call my mom and let her know what's going on .!!

(Calls mom)
Mom!!!! I've got news.
Good or bad
Bad news
What is it?
Someone broke in my house and only let nyla outside, they didn't touch or take anything.
Your over reacting , nyla probably got out on her own!
She didn't because miss.lebosky my neighbor said she thought it was me whoever came to my house. But It couldn't Be me because I wasn't home at the time!
Well nyla is back right?
Yes she is !
OK well if it happens again call the police.
Bye now

I have a feeling I know who it is ,but I could be wrong.let me lock my doors because apparently they weren't !
Come here nyla , your all dirty . You really need a bath (bark bark) . Don't talk back to me hit the showers .

(One nyla bath later)
Great your all cleaned up , so now I can do my work and read books . I'm on this new book called hide and seek. Won't get into details or anything but just know this book is ending with death 😈💀!

( Random ass phone call )
(Breathing sounds)
( Someone sneeze)
Bless you !
Thank you ( Random person in a very deep voice)
OK well by now !
(Hangs up)

What the hell was that . You know what I think I'll call the police now !

( Knock knock)
( Yells )
Who is it ?
It's ughhhhh ........umm.....mail man
I have a mail box !
I umm.... thought maybe you'd want it now .
It's Saturday by the way , mail doesn't come until Thursday !
See what had happened was .....they switched the days and now it's on Saturday.
Well put my mail in the mail box and get off my porch cause I'm not opening the door .
So you don't want me to hand it to you .
No I want you to just leave and forget about the mail.
Well I'll go ahead and put the mail in the mail box for you.
Hurry up so you can leave.
Have a nice day Ms !
(Walks away from the door)

Now let's get one thing straight ! The mail man can't speak he's like death or something . And he knows I don't have a mail box bc there's a mail slot thingy on my door ! The mail company sends mail letting you know that the mail days will change . So that's no where near the mail man !

I don't know who that guy was but I do know he wanted me to open that door !

( Calls 911)
911 what's your emergency.....
I think someone's after me..
Well call the police department and ask for a detective ...
OK goodbye...!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2016 ⏰

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