Gang War 2: Happiness is a myth

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Quick author’s note: the parts in bold and italic are flash backs! During the sequel there will be a few so don’t get confused loves!




“I figured it out; I figured it out from black and white. Seconds and hours, maybe they had to take some time. I know how it goes; I know how it goes from wrong to right. Silence and sound, did they ever hold each other tight like us? Did they ever fight like us? You and I, we don’t want to be like them. We can make it till the end. Nothing can come between you and I, not even the Gods above can separate the two of us, oh, you and I.”








The nerves rattled through my body, my palms were sweaty and my breathing rapid. I couldn’t calm myself, my thoughts were buzzing in my mind making me feel dizzy. I intertwined my fingers tightly in my lap, trying to calm my nervousness. Why couldn’t I just fast forward this event, to ensure that nothing goes wrong, that everything goes off smoothly?

How had I gotten to this point of my life? I thought back, remembering all of those days after I had told Harry I would give him another chance that I wanted to try and work it out. I remember the excitement. Oh God, I even remember our first date.

*Nine months earlier*




I curled the last straight piece of my hair, seeing it swirl down my shoulder, I sighed, the butterflies were fluttering in my stomach nonstop and I simply just couldn’t calm myself down. The house was quiet, too quiet without Avery. The boys were on uncle duty due to the fact that they wanted Harry and I to spend some quality time together. My eyes were lightly shaded from the grey eye shadow I put on, I looked more like myself, I felt more alive than I ever did with Tyler and it was all thanks to Harry. I haven’t yet told him that I remember anything, and the guilt was slowly eating me up from the inside, I didn’t know if I was ever going to but that was up to time to tell.

A soft knock on the door sounded through the rather quiet bedroom we shared. Harry’s head peered around the corner.

“Are you almost done?” He questioned nervously, the nerves were raking through his body uncontrollably, clearly evident as it ran under his skin. I nodded, things were awkward between us, it had been ever since that day at the restaurant two months ago.

“You look… uhm you are…” He trailed off, toying with the hair at the back of his neck. I looked down at my little black dress that clung perfectly to my figure, or so I had thought. I suddenly felt extremely self-conscious.

“Is it that bad?” I inquired rather urgently, pulling down the hem of my dress. He choked on air, a red tint flushing over his cheeks.

Gang War 2: Happily ever after? (#WATTYS2017)Where stories live. Discover now