The start

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(The camp was built)

----------------Shana's P.O.V--------------
I woke up in the morning at 7:30am.
I look over to the other side of me and Boston isn't there. So I decide to look out my window and I see Luke and Boston talking. I get dressed and grab my sword and put it in its pocket. I walk out and say "Morning guys!" Boston says "Morning Shana!"
----------------Boston's P.O.V-------------
I see Shana walk out of the cabin. It felt like she woke up at 12:30 though. I guess time of different in magic world.....I think "That's right Shana scheduled today with Luke and River to see if I have any powers" I'm excited yet scared...
-----------------Luke's P.O.V--------------
River walked out of our cabin and came over to us. (Hmm lets make Luke look like an idiot here mwuahaha) As a think "Oh man she looks AMAZING!!!" Then I was like "Wow I sound like and idiot Boston does it better than me yet him and Shana haven't seen each other forever" 
----------------River's P.O.V---------------
Me Shana and Azura are about to go hunting but I better go tell the boys. I walk up to them and say "Hey guys Shana  Azura and I are going hunting so we will be gone for a bit " and we head out.
(Picture above is just cause Shana is awesome)

The Beginning Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang