My Little Secret

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It feels so good

But it feels so bad

No-one but someone like me knows what I mean

The pain

The pleasure

The blade across my skin

The pain

It scares me

But the pleasure makes up for it

Knowing I am in control

It makes it better

The blood makes it better

I like the sight

I like the gore

I like the pleasure

But pain

It keeps me away

But I keeps me coming back

No-one but someone like me knows what I mean

The bandages

There piling up

In my garbage

The dollors are counting up

The blades

The bandages

The blood

The cleaning supplies

Got to make it spotless

No stains

They can't know

Not yet

Not ever

I don't need help

I need space

And you ain't givin it

I need time not a therapist

Not a doctor

I'm perfectly fine

This is the last time

The last I will tell you

I'm perfectly fine

It's my life

I can do what I want to

I won't tell

It's my little secret

Your little secret

Our little secret

Don't you tell

Can't you smell

Smell the blood beneath our skin

Don't you want to try

It's okay if you don't want to

It's addicting

It's my drug

It's my remedy

It's my everything

Cause you won't listen

Listen to my problems

Listen to my rants

Yes all of them

I don't want a shrink

They want to change me

I don't need your help anymore

You don't listen

Look at the blood

It's glistening

Under the light of the moon

Oh yes it's time

Time to share our secrets

Share them to ours selves

Cause no-one will listen

Go along

Have your fun

I will be hanging with Sharpson

Oh yes I'm insane

Oh yes I name my blade

Now go and play

That's the last time

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