~The French Maiden~ {3/5}

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Name: "Bonjour, Monsieur. My name is Celeste Labelle." She smiled softly.
Age: "I am twenty years old."
Gender: "Monsieur? I do believe that is rather obvious. Female, of course."
Height: "I am of a rather small stature." (5'5)
Species: "Well I am standing on two legs, Monsieur. I believe that makes me Homo sapien." (Human)
Personality: Intelligent, caring, sweet, loving, admiring, generous, kind, helpful, romantic, and sometimes curious.
Appearance: "Là-haut, Monsieur." (Up there, Monsieur) She says whilst pointing upwards.
Likes: "Bonbons (sweets)." [Sweet treats, warm drinks, the fall, autumn leaves, a cool and gentle breeze, an occasional peaceful quiet, caramel lattes, apples, and helping others.]
Dislikes: "That must be bitterness, Monsieur." [Bitter taste, bitter people, ungratefulness, unkind actions, unlawful behavior, abuse–both mental and physical–violence, conflicts, and locals being rude to tourists.]
Backstory: "Quelle?" (What?) [find out]
Other: She was born and raised on the country side of Paris, France and thus speaks fluent French as her first language. However, she also speaks fluent English as a second language but often instinctively replies to things in French. She will use terms that are typical universally known phrases. such as Bonjour and Monsieur (Hellow and sir) without bothering to translate since most know the meaning. She is a maiden (Def.: an unmarried girl or young woman; a virgin.), though is certainly not in need of defending, and actively behaves as such. Being raised in a traditional family, she is very modest and wears clothing as such, meaning that they often hide the full, let's say potential, of her features (i.e.: breasts, curves, rear, etc.. Eccentric features, in conclusion). These clothes often consist of modest yet stylish shirts, and skirts that do go down to only mid thigh; however, she also will usually wear black stockings or leggings underneath so her legs are still in fact covered.

Notice: This is in an earlier time. Telephones are a thing, but cellphones have not yet come along, meaning that landlines are what is still used. Just keep in mind that it is not the same time we live in and thus is not incredibly modern.

Scenario 1:
You had recently arrived in Paris, France, all alone. Yes, you were in the city of love all alone. However, that didn't change the fact that it was so beautiful there as well as interesting. It was your first full day and you decided to spend it in one of the smaller areas of the city. It was a more localized area, with little shops selling books, clothes, and various food and drinks. Most people did speak English, lucky for you since you did not know hardly any French at all. However, when you walked into a small coffee shop and walked up to the register to put in your order, you found out that the older woman working the till did not speak much English and thus did not understand. "Je ne suis pas sûr de ce que vous êtes en disant , monsieur." She said, telling younthat she didn't understand what he was saying in her own language. Celeste took notice, having been sitting at one of the tables in the small shop with a caramel latte. She stood up and walked over, tapping your shoulder to let you know she was there and then stepping up beside you, a humble smile on her features. She looked at the lady and kindly ordered your drink for you in French, the woman finally being able to understand. The woman nodded and then told you the price of the drink, being able to speak numbers in English. Once you had paid, she started to make your drink while Celeste went back to her table and sat down with her drink again.

Backstory: (optional)
Other: (optional)

-Your character needs to be male.
-Have the age at least 19. Preferably 20 or slightly more if you're comfortable.
-Please be human.
-Be detailed. Be descriptive. I will not reply if I get a response that is less than two lines long.

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