unsolved mysteries

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Laying in the hospital bed for two days in a row was making me weak and the smell of the medicine was giving me a slight headache. I wanted some fresh air. A cool breeze gently touched my face when I stepped into the hospital corridor. I deeply inhaled and held the air in for two seconds before I breathed out. "I needed that," I consoled myself. Every step I took brought me to a realization of how much I wanted to go home. I looked around frantically. I was so sure I heard a whisper. It was soft, but very real. At first I saw a shadow and then I heard the buzzing of a swarm of flies. For a moment I thought my mind was playing tricks with me. I rubbed my eyes and blinked several times, but the image was still there. A woman dressed in a black and white maid uniform was standing before me. She seemed not to be bothered by the flies which were buzzing around her. There was something weird about her. I opened my mouth to say something, but I couldn't. The expression on her face changed. She glared at me with so much hate that could not be hidden. Suddenly, she wasn't there. She disappeared into thin air, but leaving a terrible smell that hit my nostrils and I gagged. "The medicine I'm taking must be messing with my psyche," I spoke to myself. The most scaring thing was that I could still hear the click and Clark sound of her high heeled shoes.

Everything within me was out of balance. I had heard before of people having hallucinations, but I never thought it would happen to me. Before I could make sense of what I had seen I saw a little boy standing before me. I could see the trails of dried tears on his bony face. He had a faraway look in his eyes. As I moved closer to him tears began to roll down his cheeks. I couldn't understand what a little boy was doing on this North side of the hospital. The children's ward was on the South. I wondered why the stuff couldn't see him wandering around. I smiled at him and said, "Are you okay, sweetheart?" The little boy did not answer. I noticed the distant look again. He was obviously not looking at me, but the fear in his eyes was contagious. Cold fingers touched my shoulder. I felt my blood coming to a freezing point with terror. I slowly turned around and I came face to face with a woman in her forties dressed in a maid uniform. I recognized her. She was all over the news back in nineteen eighty. They called her Grace the diamond eyed woman. There was a speculation that Grace and her son Toby were murdered by Doctor Vera a well, respected pillar of the town. It was a gruesome murder ever committed in the history of this small community where people trusted one another. I wondered what they wanted from me. I was not a psychic. I didn't believe in ghosts, but I turned around and ran almost overtaking the wind. Just when I thought the nightmare was over I was bombarded by something beyond my imagination. A lifeless, bloody body of a little boy was on my bed. His throat was slit open and Doctor Vera was standing over him with a bloody knife in his hand. Bundled at the corner of the room was the body of Toby's mother all black and blue. Doctor Vera the hero of the town was a murderer. He was indeed a wolf in sheep's clothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2016 ⏰

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