Chapter 9 : Options

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After two weeks in the hospital my wound went to scar but I still have the noticeable stitches , and when I do certain things it hurts a lot but i'm still able to go to school . All the kids know what happened to me and it's not a surprise there's only two people I told my problems to and it's either Emma or Kai . Now that i'm in school a lot of rumors are being traveled around , a lot of stars  at my sister and I , a lot of name calling like the psycho family or freak family , a lot of other shit is going on and since i've been out the hospital Emma hasn't called or talked to me and I feel like she was the one who spread the rumor but I don't know yet but I will find out and when I find out who it was I don't what I will do to them .  We still live at our house Kai lives with us also because he can take care of us and his dad told him too . His dad is a cop as well , did I mention we have a lot of cops here like if you know someone and there dad or mom is a cop it's normal , all of Kai's friends have at least a cop in their family .  we cleaned out mom's and Oliver room all their things are in the garage , Ginger moved her room to mom room so she can be closer to me and Kai is in Oliver room or sometimes with Ginger . Life can be sour sometimes that's what I keep telling myself . 

" Rain ? " Someone waved there hand in my face 

" Huh ? What ? " I looked over and it was Andy the new kid 

" I'm your new partner " He looks at me 

" Oh here have a seat " I pulled my backpack out the way 

" Thank you " he smiled at me . 

" Don't turn into a psycho like him " Some kid said 

" Psycho ? " Andy looked at me 

" Ignore them " I looked at him then my work 

" Your mom is in a mental hospital and now your brother . Whose next Ginger or you ? " Hunter says 

" First my mom needs help just like second my brother tried killing me of course he will be there or even jail and third My sister and I aren't psycho's . I don't know who is telling you these stories but when I find out who the fuck it is they will be dealing with me " I looked at everyone then back at my paper 

" Maybe you should keep your secrets to your self and not tell the people you trust " Tyler shouts out 

I looked over at Emma and she had her head down so maybe she feels guilty or something but I just don't think it was her . Fuck i'm so confused and i'm tired of people shit . " Yea whatever Tyler " I said 

" Your brother tried killing you ? " Andy quietly asked me 

" Yes but it's just to much of a long story to tell besides you might be like these assholes and spread more rumors " I put my things in my bag and got up  " I'm going to the nurse " I walk out the classroom and wait for the person who is coming with me .

" Emma go with him " My teacher says 

" Why he can go by himself " Emma says back . 

" Can we hurry this up I mean the bell is going to ring soon " I looked on my phone 

" Gosh " Emma grabbed the pass from the teacher and walked quickly in front of me 

" Emma what's wrong " I walk behind her 

" Nothing " She says 

" Why're you so grumpy all of a sudden ? " I ask another question 

" I said nothing " She says again 

" Your not the Emma I know " I stop walking as she did 

" Look Rain things have changed since you were in the hospital and I don't mean to be a bitch but you can stop pretending to care for me " She says 

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