Chapter eight

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The house that met them was huge. Laura knew Thomas would be out of town for the night to fix some buisiness so this was perfect timing. The big house looked like it could need some upgrading here and there, because it looked old as well as big. At the door, Laura and Dina stopped.
"Well, here we are. What now?" Dina said. The door was locked but Laura knew a way through a window which was always open.

"Follow me, we'll climb right into 2nd floor" Laura said with a smile on her face. This was really happening! They were both on their way into Thomas Brodie-Sangster's house. A ladder let them climb in the window in the back. Laura went first. Easy. She jumped inside and waited for Dina. She couldn't help herself but look around the room. It certanly wasn't a bedroom. It had some old furniture like tables and commodes with white blankets over them.

A painting on the wall caught Laura's attention. She walked towards it and started study it. Again, this looked really old. It was a man in clothing that looked like they were used in the mid-1800s. He was wearing a hat with the iconic feather. Standing next to a chair in a big room and a cat was also in the painting. The frame looked old and a bit scratched. Suddenly, Laura felt really curious about who painted this. Was it Thomas? Was it a famous painter? She couldn't think anymore before a loud sound distracted her.

"Ahhh ouch! Laura?!" It was Dina. Laura ran to the window to see what happened. A terrible sight met her. Dina laying on the ground and the ladder right beside her. There was blood.

"NOOO! DINA! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" Laura shouted but immediatly regretted it as if someone could have heard her. Laura could see Dina was about to cry. She was holding on her back and left leg. Some blood also came out of her head. This is bad, was all Laura could think of. Getting down to her without the ladder would be tricky but she was willing to try anyway.

"No Laura! Stay and finish the mission. I'll figure out a way to get home" Dina said. Laura figured that Dina would probably carry herself to the gas station a few hundred meters away, but still felt bad. She nodded and closed the window after her.

Back in focus, Laura had already forgotten everything about the painting and was on her way further inside the house. The clock passed 1AM so Laura felt like she needed to rush a bit. She searched here and there, high and low.

After a while checking around the house without results, she sat down in a chair downstairs to think. If I were to hide something I wouldn't want anyone to find out, where would it be? A clicking sound scared her and she jumped up from the chair. Two men's voices was to hear outside and a door suddenly opened. Laura recognised one of the voices. It was Thomas, returning home. She paniced. Where to hide?! She ran upstairs and went into the room she first climbed in. Maybe if she stayed a bit she would hear what they were talking about and find out what Thomas was hiding.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2016 ⏰

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