Things Get Real

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Chapter 11

Things Getting Real

            It was a month after all the drama started, and Link just broke up with Peach after he found out that he sent Roy dirty messages. He’s feeling out of it and he doesn’t know what to do at this point. Nothing like this has ever happened to him before. Link knew that he was going to hit this stage at one point. He wasn’t motivated to do anything at all, wouldn’t get out of his apartment or see any of his friends. Samus went to Link’s house to see what’s going on. “Link… It’s Samus. May I come in”, Samus asked as she was at the door. Link got up from where he was sitting and let Samus in. They both went to sit back down on the couch.

            “How are you feeling? Are you feeling any better?”, Samus asked. “Not even close. This has never happened to me before. Why me. Why do I have to go through a living hell?”, Link asked himself looking like he’s going to tear up, but he didn’t. “Listen Link… You shouldn’t feel this way to be honest. Yeah, I know it’s your first time experiencing something like this, but in the end you have matured and became a WAY better person than Peach is. A couple months ago, you were JUST like Peach. Really rude, and cruel. Now, you have the balls to change the way you act and broke up with her and the way you act is what WE like. If you were still going out with Peach, none of this would of happened and you would keep bullying Ike and Zelda. You see what I mean?”, Samus explained. Link nodded his head and replied, “Yeah, I totally believe you”. “So, honestly my best advice to you is ignore Peach and just have fun with your friends”, Samus concluded. Link gave Samus a hug and whispered, “Thank you Samus. That really means a lot. I really needed the advice too”. “No problem. Anything for my good friend. However, you need to tell Zelda at some point. I got to go, Snake is getting ice cream and I need to get back to the apartment. Hope you feel better Link. Stay strong”, Samus explained and left. Link smiled after Samus closed the door.

            Roy was playing video games in Ike’s room, and Ike yells, “ROY! Get your ass off of my playstation! I need to talk to you. It’s about Peach”. Roy stops playing the video game, and sits down next to Ike in the bedroom. “Before you start the whole convo, I need to tell you a confession. I never really wanted to go out with Peach in the first place. She kind of made me be her girlfriend”, Roy confessed. “I know, I know. You can’t make some girl go out with you. Did you feel that instant spark when you first saw her?”, Ike asked. Pit shook his head no. “Then exactly, you need to find another girl who’d give you that instant spark. To be honest with you, Peach is definitely the Smash Mansion slut”, Ike bashed on Peach. “I have to agree with you on that”, Roy agreed. “There is however something else I should tell you”, Ike replied furiously. Roy gulped in fear knowing that Peach did something completely and utterly stupid. “Peach is going out with you, BUT she’s still going out with Mario. So, pretty much, she’s a player. And she’s easy to get”, Ike confessed. Roy felt shame and abused inside. “So, pretty much I was just used?”, Roy asked. “I’m afraid so, Roy”, Ike replied in grief. Roy got to the point where he stormed out of Ike’s apartment and went to confront Peach.

            As Peach was walking around the Rose Garden, she runs to Roy and tries to hug him, but he pushes her away. “Excuse me? You do NOT push a lovely princess away”, Peach yelled. “I’m sorry, but I’m not the Smash Mansions’ slut who uses guys for a living”, Roy confessed. “Who in the hell did you get that from?”, Peach asked as she was yelling. “Ike and Zelda!! And you know what, I truly believe them. How in the nats brain would you have the guts to say I love you to me but in reality, you’re still dating Mario? Tell me that”, Roy yelled back at her. “Where in the hell did you get the info from?”, Peach asked once again. “Ike, but your friend Claudia told Ike. That’s how I found out. You need to stop being a player, because you’re easy to get and you use people like there’s no tomorrow. I’m done. You and me? DONE”, Roy explained. As Roy stormed off, Peach didn’t feel any remorse inside; she kept her inner ugly, disgusting self up and continued walking around the Rose Garden.

            While Peach is wondering around the Rose Garden, she thinks of another plan to get at a girl she hates guy. So, she tries to get at Snake, which it’s Samus’ boyfriend. Once she sees Snake, she runs up to him and hugs him tight. “Peach, why in the hell are you hugging me? Do you realize that I have a girlfriend and she is the only one who can do that?”, Snake told her. “Who gives a fuck. Samus is like a transvestite. She has a female body, but a male looking ass face. Plus, nobody likes her anyways. Who cares if she falls off the cliff and injures herself. Who in the almighty fuck cares if she’s on a mission that could save EVERYBODYS’ life and dies”, Peach explained. “Do not ever say anything rude like that to my girlfriend. She’s definitely NOT a transvestite. You don’t know her. Stop judging her. And if you’re plan to get at me aka flirting with me, wrong decision kiddo”, Snake explained and left.

            When Snake left, Samus wondered, “Why were you talking to Peach”? “She was trying to flirt with me. Meet me back at my apartment”, Snake told her. Samus got really frustrated at this point, and stormed to Peach and slapped her. “What the hell are you thinking? You think you’re trying to get at my boyfriend like that. I don’t think so. Back off! He’s M-I-N-E! Get that damn fact straight”! Samus punched Peach again, and walked away. Peach thought, “The bitch just slapped AND punched me in the face. I kid you not, she’ll get payback. I’m the fabulous bitch in the school, and if that changes there will be a problem”.

            Meanwhile, Rosalina and Captain Falcon went to the doctors for an update on Rosalina’s pregnancy. “Hello Rosalina! The last time you came here, you found out you’re pregnant. This time, I really need to know how you’ve been doing since you’re prego”, the doctor explained. Rosalina nodded her head and as the doctor went to get what he needed, Rosalina said, “I don’t know if it’s anything bad”. “Babe, we’ll have to see when he comes back”, Captain Falcon replied. Rosalina nodded once again and they both kissed. When the doctor came back, Rosalina and Captain Falcon was very worried about what the doctor had to say. “Well, in far most… There’s some damage to the baby. Which means that you have a miscarriage. I’m so sorry”, the doctor replied with and walked away. Rosalina looked at her stomach then Captain Falcon and stormed out of the doctors. Captain Falcon went to find her. Rosalina ran off back to Smash Mansion and went inside her apartment and started weeping. Captain Falcon went into her apartment and hugged Rosalina so tight that he wouldn’t let go of her.

            “Bad shit always happens to me. WHY FUCKING ME”, Rosalina asked herself while in tears. Captain Falcon couldn’t help it but just start tearing up as well. “I don’t know babe. The good thing however is we don’t have to take care of a baby. At such a young age.”, Captain Falcon told her as he was also tearing up. Rosalina ran up to her room and cried in her room, while Capain Falcon felt the pain in his heart. 

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