Chapter 13: About 28 Students Later (Part 3)

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"Gosh darnit! Why must I always have to run away from something every 5 seconds?" I exclaimed aloud while running away from the zombies. "Okay, December said that we have to gather all of the zombies in one large room," I said to myself. "Think, Felix. Think! Wait, the gymnasium! It's here on the second floor. Maybe I can round them all up there. A formidable plan, commence!" I yelled then began to make a break for the gym. What seemed like hours of running, was only 28 seconds. I found myself bursting through the double doors to the gym and surprisingly happy to be inside. However, this time I wasn't alone. There was a group of students standing together in the middle of the gym. It was 5 of them, 3 boys and 2 girls. Unfamiliar faces they were, most likely Sophomores and/or Juniors.

"Yo, kid!" One of the boys in the group said.

"Wh-who me?" I asked, gasping and trying to catch my breath.

"Yes you. Any idea what the heck is going on? It's almost 8 o'clock, and we seem to be the only ones here" he explained.

"Well, I have good news and bad news," I began. "Good news, just about everyone is already here and hiding out in Mr. Mokayes's room."

"Why is everyone hiding in there?" Asked one of the girls of the group. She had short green hair and glowy yellow eyes, which were obviously colored contacts, but how cool would it be to have glowy yellow eyes!?

"That's the bad news. You se--" I began to explain when suddenly the double doors were being bumped against me. The zombies were trying to get in, but with all the strength I had, I managed to keep the door closed while I explained. "Okay look, there are a bunch of zombies swarming the hallways and I had to bring them here so we could figure out how to cure them, but now that I realize you guys are here, you need to get out before the room fills up with zombies!!!!" I exclaimed in one breath.

"Woah kid, just calm down," said the girl with the green hair.

"It might be all those burritacos I ate earlier," that same guy in the group began. He had a red beanie, black and red leather jacket with spikes on it, and a ring on each finger. You could tell this guy was pretty metal. "But I'm pretty sure this dude just said--" he said, but was quickly interrupted by the door bursting open. I ran over to the 5 of them. The zombies were walking right in. "WOAH DUDE!!! ZOMBIES!? NOW THAT'S WICKED GNARLY!" exclaimed the same guy.

"Like I said, you all have to get out of here. This room is gonna fill up with all the zombies in the school," I said briefly. The group nodded at me, then ran out the opposite door on the other side of the gym. More and more zombie kids spewed through the one door and the entire gym was almost full. Then, I heard the sound of doors being locked from either side of the gym, all except for the door that those students from earlier ran through.

"Felix, C-mon!!! We've locked all of the other doors!!! Make a run for it fool!!!" Yelled a voice from the one open door. Without thought, I made a run for the door, the legion of zombies tracking behind me. As soon as I made it to the door, I pulled off a Crom Tuise leap out of the gym door and someone slammed it shut behind me and locked it. "Are you okay?" asked the voice above me as I lied on the floor.

"Spencer? I asked. "Yes, I am okay," I responded, got up, and brushed myself off.

"As an evil genius, I can assure you are lucky. Without your friends over there, you'd be toast.........which I would've enjoyed eating with a side of evil jam," said Spencer with a grin. I turned around to see what he meant by "friends". It was none other than that group of weird looking, but in a cool stylish way students from earlier.

"Thanks guys," I said and smiled.

"Don't mention it," said the other girl in the group. She had long wavy red hair, librarian glasses, and groovy 60's like clothes on. "If you don't mind me asking, what was all that weirdness back there?" She asked.

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