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I woke up in a cold sweat, my vision was still blurry. I could feel the cold, wet concrete on my hands. I pushed myself up, I felt a surge of pain shoot through my temple, I collapsed but didn't dare make a sound. Even without my eyes I knew where I was. I knew the danger I was in. I reached up and felt my head, I could feel the dried blood chipping beneath my fingertips. I tried to get up again, this time much slower. It hurt but was bearable. The room slowly came into focus. I could see the shattered windows and bullet ridden walls. I saw a door and limped towards it, each step filled with agony and pain. I felt my head go light, I started to fall but caught myself on the door frame. I forced myself to open my eyes and look around. Outside I saw the city desolate and deserted. To my right I could see thick clouds of ash rising up in the distance. To my left I saw a few abandoned buildings and the beginnings of farmland.

Again I tried to move forward, I didn't make it far before I collapsed onto the hood of a crashed car. I inhaled and could smell the decay of the world around me. I heard a sound in the distance, a shiver shot down my spine. I had to move, I was running out of time. I felt the adrenaline pump through my blood as I dragged myself off of the hood of the car. I tried to run towards the river, it was a mistake. Within thirty feet I felt my head go light, I fell to the ground in a heap. My lungs wheezed in protest and my bones ached with pain. I had to carry on. My eyes shot open. I heard the sound again, much closer, I was out of time. I glanced around me and picked up a concrete rock. It was better than nothing.

I got onto one knee and turned towards the sound and I saw the beast. It was no taller then I but had peeled yellow skin and sunken red eyes. Most of its hair had fallen out and its clothes where in shambles. We locked eyes. My heart froze. It opened its mouth much longer then should be possible and let out an enormous screech of pure rage, it sprinted at me with lightning speed. It was closing fast. 50ft. 40 ft. I took a deep breath. 30ft. 20ft. 10ft. I exhaled and threw my pain, grabbed the concrete rock with both my hands and thrust upwards, it connected with the creature's head. It wasn't enough, the creature stumbled to the side, rolled and turned to faced me. In an instant it charged at me again. I swung the rock again, it ducked under my arms and tackled me onto the ground. I heard a loud crack of a gunshot and the creature fell off of me. I looked to the side to see a man holding a rifle. He was tall, probably 6'1, and clearly very strong. He had on a ripped pair of Jeans with a pistol stuck in them, a brown jacket, sunglasses, a baseball cap and a black backpack swung around his back. He swung the gun over his shoulder. He ran over to my side and picked me up. I let out an uproarious laugh at the fact of my own survival.

As the man carried me off he asked for my name, I replied with a smirk.

"My name's Keven Helgate and thank you for your sacrifice."

"What are you talking about?" asked the man.

He had a slow intellect and it cost him, in an instant I had his pistol in my hands and fired a shot into his shoulder. He dropped me and I hit the ground hard. He reached for his rifle with his good arm. I fired two more shots, hitting him in his good shoulder and in his knee. He fell to the ground. I felt the adrenaline pump through my veins. In an instant I jumped up and sprinted over to his side and shot him through the gut. I quickly grabbed his rifle and his backpack.

"Why would you do this? I saved you? I helped you! Don't leave me!" the man pleaded.

"This is no place for a hero sunny" I chuckled, I know the area, your gunshot probably attacked at least a dozen more of them, I need fresh meat to cover my tracks."

"No! You can't leave me here." He begged.

I laughed at his weakness. I turned and walked the other direction, I could hear the distant screech of the creatures. I had only a few minutes to get as far away as possible, his soon to be live bait could buy me about ten to fifteen minutes. More than enough time to clear the area and escape into the overgrown farm fields. As I limped off the man screamed in rage and agony. I didn't feel anything for him, for he was just another optical holding me back. Back from my one true goal, for there was only one thing I wanted to do in this waist land. 

Kill Abigail Eagle.

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