As Our Campfire Fades Away

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It was the dead of night, the wind mercilessly howled through the trees, seeping through the cracks of the makeshift wooden fort and through the hastily constructed tents. In the middle of the fort a man sat slouched by a dying campfire. He had worn white shoes, torn jeans, a simple sports watch, a green t-shirt covered by a light white Jacket and Black hair. He had the beginnings of a beard growing on his face. As the wind hit him he felt shivers run down his spine, jolting him into an upright position. His deep blue eyes where still barley open, but he knew he couldn't sleep, for the night mares would just come again. In his right hand was a small coin.

He heard an adjacent tent zipper squealed open, out stepped a girl with curly brown hair and soft grey eyes. She had on jeans and a thick light grey sweatshirt. She closed the tent and began walking towards the fire. He quickly shoved the coin into his pocket.

"Hey Elizabeth", said the man in a deep and tired voice.

"Hey Jacob", She cheerfully responded.

"I'm suppressed your still up", said Jacob, Glancing at his watch.

"No rest for the wicked", She said with a smirk, "What time is it anyway?"

"Half past two", he stated," How are you holding up?"

"Better than you, have you slept at all since we got here?" asked Elizabeth as she sat down by the fire with him.

"Only the first night, after that I haven't, I just ... can't."

"Something on your mind?" She asked.

Jacob broke eye contact and looked away.

"Look, I understand what you're feeling. We're all feeling it. None of us were prepared, we all have people we wish we could have said goodbye to, people we wish we could have one more conversation with. But that's in the past, we have to move on."

"Move on to what?", Jacob snapped, "The world's ending! There is nowhere that is safe!"

"You don't know that." Comforted Elizabeth, "If a dysfunctional, mess of a group like our own could survive, maybe others did too. There has to be others out there!"

"I guess you're right," said Jacob slouching over, "Sorry I snapped at you, I'm just still adjusting."

"It's alright" comforted Elizabeth as she pulled him close. "Look at the bright side, you're taking it better then Joe, I haven't seen him-"

"You two better not be talking shit about me!" Yelled a voice from another tent.

"Go back to bed", a tired voice from the same tent moaned.

"A green small green tent shook as the door flipped open and a Joe stumbled out. Joe was tall, about 6'2. He had messy brown hair and an untrimmed beard that looked more red then brown. He had a button up red plaid shirt and kayaks. He had thick brown work boots and a green bottle of beer in his hand. He stumbled towards the small campfire.

He collapsed into a heap by Jacob and Elizabeth. He slowly pushed himself up and into a sitting position.

"I'm doing just fine you little buttmunchers." Joe spat.

Jacob glanced at the almost empty green bottle in his hand, "How many have you had?" carefully asked Jacob.

"None ya-business" slurred Joe.

"Joe", moaned a voice as a girl exited the green tent. She had straight blonde hair and freckles. She was about 5'6 and had on a blue t-shirt and black short shorts. She hugged Joe from behind and whispered in his ear.

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