Dynamic Twins

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"But... You ca--" Athena started but I interrupted. "Didn't you just want me gone? Well, now I'm leaving. Goodbye Barbara and little Tana, it was nice meeting you. Tetrix, are you coming?" I ask and he nods.

"Oh most certainly. Can't have him killing you just yet. And also I'm so so sorry Lucien for killing your platoon of werewolves and breaking your hind paws all that time ago... Forgive me?" Tetrix asked with mock innocence and Lucien smiled.

"Its all fine with me as long as I get my mate. Let's go." He says and shifted. I turned back to my old pack members and gave one last look at them." Goodbye, I hope you all never see me again... and please keep yourselves alive." I shifted and ran off, the others following me and Tetrix flying above us.

It's gonna be a long run.

******four hours later******

After running without stopping for four hours, all of the werewolves that were with us have exhausted themselves. I'm quite tired myself but not enough to collapse and Tetrix is just fine.

Right now he's complementing the werewolves... Sort of...

"You idiots have impressed me. Going that long without stopping... It's child's play for me but, I'm glad you guys didn't die of thirst or exhaustion." He said whilst floating over them.

"Gee thanks." One werewolf said between breaths. Lucien stood at the cliff, looking down at whatever. "Come on." He said to the wolves and they all jumped over.

"Did you just send your own pack members to their deeeaaaaaaagggh!!!" He grabbed me mid sentence and jumped off of the cliff. I know know. I bet you're thinking "but you can fly" It caught me off guard OK.

As we plummeted down towards the ground he held me close and said "No flying, I don't want them to know your abilities. Let me carry you until we reach our room." And I nodded. The ground was nearing and he flipped us and landed, holding me bridal style. In accordance with the charade, I held on tightly to him and closed my eyes, opening them slowly once I knew we were on the ground.

"Alpha... Is this the Luna?" A guy asked as he ran up to us. "Why yes it is, his name is Vixen." Lucien responded and looked me in the eyes.

"Good evening Luna Vixen. It is very nice to meet you." The guy said and I wondered who he was. "Oh no, the pleasure is all mine." I said, still in Lucien's arms. "Nice and beautiful, you sure snagged an amazing mate brother." He said and it dawned on me.

He's Lucien's brother. He had told me he had two siblings but never their names or what they looked like. This guy, his brother, has short, spiky red hair and red eyes. He's a little taller than me, maybe six feet tall with a masculine yet gentle build. It also dawned on me that he had just complemented me and I blushed lightly.

"Ares, come with us." Lucien said as he started walking towards the direction of the pack house. "Yes." Ares responded and followed closely behind us.

"I can walk Lucien." I said to him and he looked at me. "But why would I want you to. Listen to me love, I have to redeem myself, and make things right between us... And this is just one of the ways that I know how. I want to love you properly, please let me." He finished, sounding sincere and it caught me off guard. My words were caught in my throat so I just put my head down to hide my blush.

We reached the pack house, no, castle after about thirty minutes and to say that I was impressed was an understatement.

The furniture was elegant and clean, and the halls were adorned with beautiful pictures of supernatural creatures. As we continued down the hallway, I noticed a particular room. It was huge, of course, but has such a homy feel to it. From the glimpse that I caught, I could tell that it had a light brown couch that matched the carpet and drapes. The walls were painted, but otherwise bare and it had a fireplace. Above the fireplace were two pictures, one of a man and the other a woman. Both looked extremely elegant but peaceful... in a way.

We passed the room and my desire to see the rest of it, to feel it's positivity increased. I felt that I needed to go into that room.

"So, when are we reaching the rooms that we are sleeping in?" Tetrix asked as we came to a stop outside a room with markings carved onto the wooden door. "This is your room Tetrix." Lucien states and he nods.

"Come on Vixen, I'm beat." Tetrix said while yawning and I start to get down but Lucien's grip tightens slightly. "Lucien?" I question and he looks me directly in the eyes.

"Please... I thought that... You would sleep in my, I mean our room... With me." He says, pausing multiple times in his sentence and Tetrix looks at him with a frown and then to me. I nod at him and turn to Lucien.

"OK, I'll sleep in the room with you but no funny business--I don't know how I might react." I tell him and he smiles. "That's fine with me, I just want you close love." he says and hugs me closer.

I smile and say bye to Tetrix as he closes the door to his room. We continue walking the halls and go up a few staircases. I make small talk with Ares and find out that we have a lot in common. Then he tells me a joke and we both burst with laughter and Lucien growls at him. "Calm down. It was just a joke." He say to Lucien without a glimpse of fear in his eyes. I personally am amazed. Most people would cower in fear at a growl like that but Ares just blankly looked at him.

Maybe there's a reason he's name after a war god.

Lucien stopped at a room with huge double doors and he looked at me. "Vixen... Once we get through these doors there's something on the other that might surprise you... But please keep calm and we can talk it over OK?" He said to me and I nodded as he set me down.

I looked at him one more time and then I pushed the door open and saw her... My twin, Vea!

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