Chapter 3

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Hi everyone! To be truthful, I'm only writing this right now because I am too lazy to pull up The End of Time Part 1 and 2 on Netflix to start writing the next chapter of my Doctor Who fan fiction. My brother just got home from college and he's watching basketball on the TV in the living room, and I honestly don't feel like going on the computer so I don't have to be mean and kick him off. He's not against watching Doctor Who or anything, but I'd have to keep pausing it so I could type the dialogue and everything. That might get annoying.

I'm going to try to keep this short, but I do have a story. Okay, so, I was siting in Social Studies class on the day before the test, and we were playing this review game with the smart board. We have little remote control things called quizdoms that we put the answers into. A question is put up on the board and we hit a or b or c or d or true or false or whatever on the quizdom and if you get it right, you get points. The faster you answer, the more points you get. You want to have the most points after all the questions are over.

I, for some reason, have acquired this random knack for Social Studies this year, so I'm doing pretty alright, I know most of the answers. I'm on the Academic Bowl team at my school too, so you can imagine I've got the speed thing down. So, I'm going along, putting in my answers, and at the end of each question, it tells who answered the right answer the fastest and got 1000 points. About halfway through, my quizdom number came up on the pop up for the fastest. And, of course, everyone knew it was mine.

I couldn't help but smile at everyone's reactions. This smile turned into a bit of a smirk. So my friend Ariana, who sits down the row of desks about four desks down from me, noticed my growing smirk. Her response was to widen her eyes and cry out, to the whole class, "She's smirking! Oh God, she's smirking!!" and at that, I couldn't help but raise my hand to my face and laugh hysterically into it.

So, that's what's going on in my life. Midterms too! Yay! D':


Cory walked slowly to the door, pulling it open to find Sebastian standing outside, his hand raised to knock on the wood.

"My Lady," He said. Cory nodded, turning around and walking over to the desk in her room and picking up her braided belt, wrapping it around her waist and securing the buckle. The tunic Ciel was letting her borrow was still a tad large on her.

"I presume dinner is prepared?" She asked, turning back to Sebastian. it had been exactly an hour since she had last seen the demon.

"Yes, My Lady. If you would please follow me to the dining room, the Young Master is waiting for your arrival," Sebastian responded. Cory's head snapped to the side to glare at him as he held open the door, which swung inwards, for her. She looked him up and down before responding coldly.

"I know prefectly well where the dining room is. I've eaten in it coutless times and I don't require your help to find it. You may go and help get the food ready to serve," Sebastian merely nodded at the girl and let her walk out of the doorway before shutting the door quietly and stalking off towards the kitchen.


"We're going to go into town tomorrow if you're feeling well enough and get some proper clothes for you," Ciel told Cory as she sat down at the table. He was reading the newspaper, sitting at the head of the table. Coy sat down in the chair on his right.

"I can already tell you that I won't be feeling well enough to go dress shopping tomorrow. I appreciate the offer though, and everything else you're doing for me, Ciel," Cory replied.

"I supoose that wasn't an entirely acurate way of phrasing that. Let me try again," Ciel said as Sebastian walked in with their dinners, "You will come to London with Sebastian and I tomorrow so that you can go dress shopping. We won't leave until you pick out at least three different dresses that you will wear."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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