The hispotal

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I was sad cuz the hospotl was big and I got lost so I used an old map but I was still lost so I screemed "Heeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp!!!!" and they found me and I had to go to the plice to give statement cuz I was actually in a grave yard and was trespassing. Boomerang was still in hospital and now I am sad again. I cried a bit but realised I could get iceceam and got some. I was nice but very culd so I was sad again. I looked up at the sun but it was night time so I cried more tears like Neyeagroar fulls. I wanted to sea the son but my son was a disaointment and I culdnt stop creyeing.

I went to a roof of a power plant cuz It was close bye. I decide to jump becuz I was sad but then I decide I should say bye so I shouted "Buy Faleasea!!!!!!!!!" and jumped butt den BaTTmAnn came and said "don't do dis" but I did so I jumped again and land-ded in water but I diddnt no it was their. so I was sad again.

I went to the Hospootal and saw joker and he kissed meh and I was sad agin cuz I was cheeting but he lips were nice

My Fire (L-Deablow)~FanFic ^-^ (Discontinued)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن