Paul Lahote's Imprint

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Zoey's p.o.v

I was strolling through the woods like always with shadow at my side when I smelled burning and saw smoke in the distance. Smoke? I picked up Shadow and began to run, not away from the fire but toward it. Cold started swell in my body as fear pushed me faster. Fear that the fire was at my house, that Mum and Dad were trapped there. I broke through the trees just as the roof of my house collapsed. Flames errupted from the broken windows. I raced to the front door calling out, but I was flung back by an invisable force, I stood staring, hearing my mothers screams, not knowing what to do. Tears streamed down my face as I began to scream also. I dropped to my knees, coughing, holding Shadow close as sobs racked my body. As I watched my house crumbled in on its self and my parents were lost forever in the fire. An loud evil laugh echoed around the night.

I jerked awake as the plane landed. My names Zoey Smith and I just lost my parent to a house fire or so the guards say, but I don't believe them. It was something else that killed my parents, I know it. I still don't know what prevented me from entering the house to save them and that laugh, who was that? Anyway I was moving from my little home in Ireland to an Indian reservation near Forks to live with an uncle I never knew about until now. I wiped away the tears as I've down for so many nights now, that memory haunts my every dream. I stood with the other passangers and left the plane.

Sam's p.o.v

I was standing in the airport with Emily and Seth waiting for a neice I've never seen. Seth was holding a sign with Zoeys name on it, it was Emily's idea, with a big smile on his face. Truth be told, I would be smiling too, if it weren't for the way I found out about Zoey and if I was meeting her on different sumcumstances.

I was relaxing on the couch with Emily watching T.V, well she was watching T.V, I was watching her, when the phone rang. Somewhere between the first ring and the time I answere it, there was a knot in my chest, I knew something was wrong.

"Hello," I said.

"Hello, is this Sam Uley?," A grave voice asked on the other line.

"It is, may I help you?".

"You are the brother of Jessica Uley, are you not?," They asked and the knot in my chest moved to my throat where it tried to choke me.

"I am, has something happened to my sister?," I asked quickly.

"Yes sir, there was a fire and she and her husband didn't survive. I'm sorry," The person said softly and I could feel the grief overwhelming me.

"Did you know they had a daughter, sir?," They continued when I didn't speak.

"No, is she all right?".

There was silence as they took in the fact that I don't know the poor child. "Physicially yes, Is was expressed in Jessica's will that you be the sole guardian of their daughter, Zoey, Mr Uley,"they said.

"Really?," I replied shocked.

"Yes, we believe it's the best interest for Zoey to be with other members of her family in this time Mr Uley".

"Yes, yes of course, I agree".

The memory ended when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I looked down at Emily and smile.

Zoey's p.o.v

I stood looking around with Shadow in his carrier in one hand and a suitcase in the other. I spotted three people with a sign with my name on it. I checked them out before walking over. The woman was very beautiful even with those scars on her face. She was hugging a man I suppose was Uncle Sam, hehe Uncle Sam get it?, he was a big man 6'6/ 6'7 with muscles. With them was a boy who looked about my age or maybe a year younger, he was built almost as big as the man, and he was cute. Man, are all the boys on the rez going to be like this?

I took a deep breath and headed towards them. I stopped in front of them and said quietly, " Hi, Uncle Sam".

"Zoey," he said uncertain and I nodded lifting my head to meet his gaze. He pulled me into a hug and squeesed me tightly. I sighed again and leaned into his embrace. He pulled back and introduce me to the others, who each gave me a hug.

Sam picked up my suitcase and started to head for the car with Emily while Seth walked with me. He peered into the carrier and Shadow growled at him.

"Whats that?," he asked looking at me.

"A dog, watcha think is was? A racoon?," I replied as we neared the car. Seth laughed and put an arm around my shoulder, " I think you and I are going to get on great, Z".

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