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Zoey's p.o.v

I stared numb inside, at my phone.

What should I do? I need to tell someone, but who? I can't tell Sam because he'll go all ape shit on me. Not seth either because he'll tell Sam. Maybe Jake, I mean he hasn't told anyone yet about the other texts.

My hands shaked a little as I sent a text to Jake. I got out of the car, put a fake smile on my face and went in for the job interview.

Jake's p.o.v

My phone beeped as I walked out of Sam's with Paul for patrol. I opened it and read the text from Zoey:

I need to talk to you soon! Big problem! :(

What could that mean??, I wondered as Paul snatched the phone out of my hand. He read the message then stopped and read it again. We were just inside the tree line so nobody could see us.

"What does that mean?," He asked with forced calm.

"I dunno," I answered, Unless it has something to do with him.

"What has she told you?," Paul asked shaking.

"Clam down Paul. It's probably nothing. Anyway if it is something bad I'll tell you, All right?".

He jerked his head in a nod and stalked off into the woods.

Let's hope it's nothing bad..

Zoey's p.o.v

"So you start tomorrow after school. You'll work after school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and all day Saturday and every second Sunday. Ok?," The manager, Mike, said with a smile.


"Marie, will have your uniform ready for you then. See you tomorrow," He said and walked off.

Wow, that was easy enough, I thought heading out the door. I wasn't looking where I was going so when I bumped into a solid wall of muscle I fell to the ground with an 'uff'.

I looked up to see a big guy- and I mean big- he was built bigger than Jake, grinning down at me. He had black hair and the same coloured eyes as Edward.

"Sorry 'bout that, Angel," He said lifting me up.

"No problem, I wasn't looking," I replied spotting a fimiliar head of hair.

Good evening Mr Edward, I thought.

His head whipped in my direction and he started to quicken his pace.

I huffed, Still haven't learned to close you mind, have you?

He shook his slighty, "Hello again Zoey," he greeted.

"Wait a minute, you know this little thing," His friend cut in shocked.

"For your infromation, I am not little, you are just a giant," I almost growled.

Edward laughed, "Emmett, this is Zoey Smith. Zoey this is my brother Emmett Cullen".

"Nice to meet you," Emmett said holding out a hand.

"Wish I could say the same," I muttered shaking his hand anyway.

"So what are you doing here?," Edward asked.

"Got a job in there," I pointed to the bar/restaurant. I started to walk to Emily's car and they followed. When I opened the door, I saw that both of them wrinkled their noses in distaste and glance at eachother.

"How about you come over some day and teach me that trick with closing your mind?," Edward wondered. I shoot a quick glance a his brother, "Oh don't worry, my family know I can read minds," he said casually.

"Yea, it's no fun," Emmett grumbled.

"You know, there is a way for you to block your thoughts from him," I said to Emmett.

He looked at me with new interest, "You're coming over to the house and teaching me how to do it".

"I don't have a choice?".

"No," He said simply.

I sighed, "Fine, tomorrow is Monday, so what about Tuesday after school?".

"Sure, the sooner the better".

"What time?," I asked.

"Around Five?," Edward suggested, "Here take my number and text me when your on the way and I'll give you the directions".

"Ok, see ya then," I said getting into the car.

Edward waved and Emmett grinned as I drove away.

What did I just get myself into?

When I got home nobody was there except for Emily, who was cooking as usual.

She smiled as I strolled in, "How'd it go?".

"I got the job," I said happily.

"Good for you! When do you start?".

"Tomorrow after school".

"Good, I'm sure Jake won't mind giving you a lift to work," She said putting plates on the table.

I headed upstairs for a shower.

I was sitting on my bed, in my pj's, a tank top and shorts, looking at that message on my phone when the door opened.

Jake walked in wearing a pair of cut off shorts and that was it. He sat beside me on the bed after closing the door.

"What's with the no shirt?," I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, you said I have sexy abs, so I'm just showing them off," he smirked then got serious, "What was with the text you sent me?".

Silently I handed him my phone.

He read the messgae two or three times before throwing it to the end of the bed. He put his arm around me and pulled me close, until my head was resting on his shoulder.

"That's from the ex, isn't it?," He asked quietly.


"I won't let him near you, you know that, right?," I nodded, "But I think we should tell one of the others just in case".

I pulled back and stared at him wide eyed, "Why?".

"So if I get into a fight against this ass, they'll back me up," He said matter-of-factly, as if fightling wasn't a big deal for him.

"Who would you pick," I asked heistatently.

Without a pause he answered, "Paul".

"Why him?".

"Because he's the best fighter," and he would do anything to protect you, the thought floated quietly into my mind.

What did that mean???

"You think it's best if we tell some one else?".

"Yes," He pulled me back to rest against him again.

"But not Sam, not yet anyway," I said cuddling up to him.

"Not yet," He agreed.

We stayed like that in blissful silence until I broke it with a comment that had him doubled over laughing, "Are you sick? Because you're really hot".

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