03.[WithOut You.]

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Nona and I get pushed into our room, where there was a bathroom. Single beds and draws for our clothes, even though we have nothing. The door closes behind us, I take a massive breath. As I close my eyes and re open them.

"You ok?" Nona questions, I look at her and put on a fake smile.

"I'm fine." I tell her and she nods in response.

"Can I have the shower first?" I ask her.

"Of course." She says and I smile as I walk into the bathroom and close the door behind me. I see another set of clothes there for Nona and I, blacks pants and a grey T-shirts. I look on the floor and see new sneakers, I get in dressed and get into the shower.

I felt the warm water hit my cold skin, warming me up. As memories flash into my vision.

I see Mattee being pulled away from me, his faces reaction to the pull. Scared.

"Blaire?" I hear Nona call from the other side of the door.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"A note was slid under the door for you." She tells me and I start getting curious of whom it was from.

"Thanks." I call.

I stop the shower and get dressed in my new clothes that are actually comfy. I walk out the door and Nona went straight into the bathroom, alright. I walk over to my bed and there's a letter. Marked my name, Mattees hand writing. I open the letter and started reading the letter.

To my friend Blaire,

Since being split, I've made two new friends. Danny Raeken and Clay Jones.
They seem alright, but I miss you and it's not the same without you. I miss you and it took me a lot of work to get this letter to your room.

Hope to see you soon.

Your life time buddy,

Tears fill in my eyes. It's not the same without you either. Then I take a deep breath and see Nona walking out of the bathroom.

"It's a letter from Mattee, he made friends with your Clay." I explain to her.

"Is he ok?" She asks and I nod, she sighs. "That's good." She says as I smile.

I place the letter in one of my draws as I smile at it, I close the draw and climb under the sheets of my bed. I place my head on the pillow, oh my lord it's comfy. I look at the roof, wondering what my family's doing. Wondering how Mattee is doing, I hear Nona put her lamp off.

"Night." I say to her.

"Night." She says as she rolls over not looking at me.

I sigh and put off my lamp, I couldn't sleep. Curiousness was getting the better of me, which was bad for me. Eventually my eye lids got heavy, soon I fell asleep.

"Blaire where are you!?" I heard my little sister call as I hide. I stay quiet, as I heard her little footsteps coming. When she got close near me, I jumped out and scared her. I pull her into a hug. "Blaire you scared me!"

"Sorry." I smile as I hug her.

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