Bowling with Narcus

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Joe's P.O.V
I woke up and instantly remembered that Bella was here. I went into the sofa room and saw her sound asleep. She was gorgeous.
"Shhh shhhh shhh go back to sleep" I replied to her stir.
But she woke up anyway after a minute

It was earlier on in the day and Bella had gone home. Me and Marcus were going bowling so we got our things and headed off.

When we arrived, the person who served us (A/N like the person who gives u shoes and comes to u of u need anything) was sort of flirting with me, eyeing me and giggling which was getting on my nerves but as  Marcus didn't know about me and Bella, he kept nudging me and grinning.
We got some food after bowling at a little café next the the ally and when we finished food, we met some viewers and took some selfies then headed back to Narcus's flat. After a while I went home because Marcus and Niomi need a bit of alone time.

Bella's POV

Me and Niomi went shopping whilst the boys were out bowling. We went to Next, Urban Outfitters, New Look, Topshop and River Island. After we had been cloth shopping, we went to M&S to get some dinner for tonight and some treats.

When Marcus were back at there's we hung out for a bit then set off back to Joes so I could get my stuff and go back to mine and Emma's. Today I was going to tell her about me and joe.

"I'm back pea!" I said
We hugged and ran to my room to watch a film.

I told her and she was thrilled and she was hugging me and running around but I made her swear not to tell anyone yet. I'm so happy she was happy!


"Morning beautiful people," I started my vlog
"Today Zoe, Louise and Tanya are coming and we're going out to a new café I found so see you when there here!"


We were in the café and I was of corse vlogging. For Lunch I had pasta filled with basil and parsnip, with an iced coffee.
After lunch we we watched the falt in our stars and ordered  pizza as joe, Alfie and Jim were out doing god knows what!

It had been a while and  they had gone home. The boys came back a bit drunk so I let joe sleep over since he was on his own, Tanya drove with Jim and Zoe drive Alfie as usual.   and I went to bed and edited my vlog then went to sleep

Zoe's POV

I had a great time with Bella, Tanya and Louise. We went to a nice cafe then came back and watched a movie with Pizza. Alfie was drunk but oh well I drove anyway!

We had been in the car for about half and hour and Alfie was a bit more sober so we could properly chat.

We were home and me and Alfie got changed into our PJ's as it was about 1:30AM and went to bed. I edited my vlog and so did Alfie, then we went to sleep.

Hi guys hope u enjoyed that chapter. I have just edited this one to say I am writing another chapter it just takes longer to focus and get into it as j have lots of school work for tests and stuff so again thank you and please be patient because the new chapter is nearly ready. Thanks bye xxx

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