Little Emo Love Story {Chapter 3}

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I love the kissing parts.. dosn't it get emotive? hope you like this.. I don't know what is better, get votes, get reads, or get comments! I would like some ideas for chapter 4. thank you.

On chapters 1&2: Reb (rebecca) has left her home, to fly to qatar, so she can find her love. shes now emo, and she has found emo love with a boy she knew called Alex,which is also emo,and very cute.

Chapter 3

So there they were kissing with emotion, and lots of love sorrounding them.

Finally, Alexstopped the long, long kiss, and both took they're look other way, to see if anyone was watching them. Soon, a black sparkling ferrari.

"Oh My God!" I shouted.

"Do you like it?" He smiled sweetly.

"Oh My God, yeah.. It's Incredible. I wish i could travel in those rich-people's car!"

"Really? " He kissed me on the peck.

The car stopped right were we where standing. And I saw my new boyfriend lifting my suitcase on top of one of the seats of the amazing car.

"Alex! Don't tell me this is your's!" I whispered, unable to stop the

"How can I tell you... Yeah! This is my brother Ryan.

"H-h-h-hi..." I felt I was falling downthe floor, I needed someyone to grab my hand and don't let me fall.

"Hey, look like if you saw a ghost!" Ryan said.

"Well, nearly! You know, were I live we don't see this things very often." I called out.

"Yeah, how surprising..." He admited.

"Ok, that's enough Ryan, stop it!" Alex shouted furious at him.

So I didn't understand anything. But the best trip on my life hadjust taken place. We first took a path with lots of bouncy bumps on the ground, in which Alex grabbed my stomach hard, so I 'wouldn't fall'. Obviously that was just an excuse so he could touch me.

I felt I wasnt getting alongwith Ryan. He was more like very cool-guy. Black hair and green eyes, strong arms and bronze skin. Perfect Cool and Popular Guy beside me. Who probably was gettin' embarrassed with his lil' brother being emo. Such a popular guy with bronze skin, and a pale-emo dude wouldn't match too much... Wouldn't they?

Then, the road was wide and sorrounded by died bushes, with a brown colour. Crying for some rain. No cars were on that road. My hair blowed by the air coming throught my face, strong breeze that was unable to respire air from. I needed to look other way to breath!

So there we were, fetching a city, pretty well organised, with huge mansions, each one with one or two pools.

Finally we headed towards the gate of a grand white house. White walls, and red-orange roof, covered with many tall expensive chimenys. At the entrance, there was a lion shaped fountain. Spitting water silently. I began taking strange ideas, then talking to myself, and finally opening my mouth sarcastically wide. Like... if this was a dream or something like that!

"Welcome to my house! " He said.

"This....this is your house?" I mutered.

"Surprised?" Ryan continued.

"Shut up! Yeah, hope you like it." He said louldly, as if he was shouting to advertise his parents we we had just arrived.

A woman, opened the door. Old with grey-brown hair, paled of skin, and blue eyes. Wearing a viloet top, and a long skirt hang over her, down to her feet, of a blue purpled colour. She was also wearing some golden bracelets on her left hand, and on the other a silver-gold watch. She had a big and warm smile. The man, was less tall that what I expected, because either Alex and Ryan were tall. However, the man appeared happy, pleasant and sincere. He also had a great smile, but I knew his smilecould get erased very easly.

"Hello beautiful" The man said. At first I got scared, finally I answered back gratefully.

"Hi, my name is Rebecca, I..." The woman stopped me...

"We know darling, Alex has talked to us about you.

"Yeah... Too much!" Ryan said. "He has been all last month tellin' us 'bout ya!"

"That's true, he's totally in love with you." The man said. Then, Alex grabbed my hand and pulled his head down. He looked at me, and he was completely red!

"I'm Mrs. Hampher, this is my husband, as you have may supposed, Mr. Hampher. However, call us Mrs. and Mr. you are totally autorized darling.

I let scape a long smile, and wondered if I was going to stay here, or ina hotel, as I planned...


Hope you liked it!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2010 ⏰

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