Rant about zerrie

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Honestly i am so happy for zerrie. i think they are perfect for each other and you all need to see that. i hate that alot of you hate on perrie for no reason. she hasn't done anything wrong to anyone and hating on her isn't gonna get you zayn. not all zayn girl's hate on her which im happy about. but other zayn girls are horrible , like really? why waste your time if you don't like her? there is no reason for death threats and horrible name calling. do you think she likes to sit there and read all those horrible things said about her? about her soon to be marriage? she gets alot of hate and not just for being with zayn but for everything you don't like about her. WHY don't you like her? because she is with zayn? trust me perrie makes him happy and they love each other. none of you even care about his feelings. i know seeing things bad things about zerrie makes him upset. why can't you be happy for them? all of you are always like "i want him to be happy" WELL OPEN YOUR EYES HE IS HAPPY. and what really makes me mad is that most of you don't give two shits about zayn unless there is something about zerrie. when there is so much zerrie drama your there but when he gets constant hate where are you? you guys really need to realize that zayn isn't going to marry you. he is marrying perrie and if you can't accept that then stfu and keep your mouth shut. do you guys even stop to think before you send hate? why are you being so cruel towards your own idol's relationship? idgi.but  im glad not everyone hates on zerrie or sends her hate. just be proud that he found someone who isn't using him for fame. bye

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2014 ⏰

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