Chapter 1

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Don't you just hate it when you think everything is going just great in your relationship or marriage, just to find out that he/she don't feel the same way that you feel after awhile? Here you are putting your EVERYTHING into them, just to not receive it back in return! You don't notice because you're so busy still up in the clouds!

It all starts off so beautifully! You're gazing into each others eyes! The sunshine seem to follow you two EVERYWHERE! He/she are all you can think about! Nothing or no one can stop you two. It's you and them against the world!

You go on like that for a while.....all of a sudden the storm clouds roll in! He/she says or do something that stops you in your tracks! You freeze looking at them like, "Are you fucking serious?" Then you look in their eyes and notice that the fire that burnt so brightly before, have now gone out!

Their eyes are so blank! They look at you as if they can see right through you. It kind of leave you wondering, "What did I do wrong?" Don't worry you didn't. It's not YOU, it's THEM! You did NOTHING wrong but love them. You can't help their ignorance!

You go on trying to right whatever wrong that you did! You try spicing things up to light that spark that you had once before! You try roses, sweet cards, romantic dinners, bubble baths! Suggesting sensual messages, foot rubs....ANYTHING to try to bring the love alive, but nothing works!

Suddenly you become suspicious. You watch them like a hawk when you guys go out together, and you're at the movies, and they excuse themselves to go to the bathroom, you can't help but to think they are out there on the phone with someone else! While out having dinner, you're watching the waiter/waitress to see if they are trying to make contact with them.

Things become awkward. In bed watching televisions he/she don't hold you like they use to! They don't ask you what you want to watch! Just grab the remote and turn on their show! Goodnight kisses become quick and meaningless! GOD forbid if they come to bed fully dressed in their pajamas! They don't touch you like they use to. Sex is quick and without feeling. They get theirs, you're just stuck unsatisfied!

Some people get married while they are in the cupcake phase! They spend all of this money on a wedding where all of their fake ass friends, who really don't care about neither one of you, they're just there so that they can have something to talk about! You go on your honeymoon and post pictures like you're so happy, when in reality, they're just NOT that into you!

If there are children involved, you're left tending to the children, while they step out with friends for a minute! They don't ask you if you want to go. When you do go out together, and you're having fun, they're bored and want to go home! Silence plague the car all the way to the house. They know you're mad! They don't care!

You start searching for advice from family, friends and counselors. You are willing to try anything to get that phase back. Money and gifts become a part of your relationship. You feel if you give them this, or buy them that, they will fall back in love with you!

You breathe them. They are your only existence! Nothing else matters! Not GOD! Not family! Not even your closest friends! Everyone and everything becomes unimportant! You find yourself doing everything they want to do. Your needs and wants are pushed to the back!

You even start to dress a little different. You go shopping for clothes you think will capture their attention, just for them to ignore you! You go shopping for food you think they might like, just for them not to eat it, when you cook it! You suggest different things, like maybe taking a vacation, just you and them while they show no interest at all!

What happened? Well let me break it down for you. What happened is that they were Not in love with you. You were just something to do! They were too much of a coward, to tell you in the beginning that they really didn't want to be with you! You were just a roll in the sack, that they realized they could use! After using you, until you were all used up, they lost interest in you.

Real life set in. You try to hide it. You try smiling with friends and family. You hope and pray no one else can see your pain. Although you're dying inside, you find the courage to soldier on. You want this loveless relationship or marriage, to work!

The rainbows, hearts, clouds and butterflies flutter away. Your sunshine turns to hard core thunderstorms! You sit there through the storm hoping and praying that they come save you out of the rain, but they never come.

At this point you guys argue about ANY and EVERYTHING! No matter how BIG or small the situation may be, you two argue damn near everyday! You stop talking to one another. You go through the house rolling your eyes and grumbling at each other, like two cave dwellers! Somedays you speak, somedays you don't.

You find excuses to NOT be at home. When you do get home, you're looking at the door like, "I really don't want to go in there right now!" You started sleeping separate from them. Right now it is all over!

One day you grow very tired of pretending. You let it all go. Your mind. Your body. Your soul. Every crevice of YOU grow weary and tired! You are tired of trying! Right now? They could care LESS about how YOU feel!

All of a Sudden, you let go! Goodbye!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2016 ⏰

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