C O V E R S + C L O S E D

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Cover requests are closed until further notice. Pending cover requests will be finished, but later on. Tomorrow, most likely, because I'm staying home.

Please, do not take the time to insult me for temporarily closing this. Something has happened that may or may not have a drastic effect on my current lifestyle, and therefore, I genuinely hope you all can understand. If you can't, and choose to complain about this, your cover most likely will not be made. I am not a robot, I am a human being who therefore responds to their environment. If you would like to know specifically what has happened, you can private message me on my main account @/mxrvelous. I'll tell you, if I know you well enough.

Thank you all for understanding that I have something going on. I truly appreciate it.

Lee [aka voidstark]

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