Just A Routine Hospital Visit

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A/N: Yes, I know I'm starting ANOTHER story. In my defense, school recently started (about two weeks ago) and this is the only idea I've had since then.  TW: There is mention of anorexia in this chapter.

I hate the hospital. That may sound harsh, but trust me, it's well founded.

Every hospital, I've ever been to has tried to get me to become a stay-in patient, disregarding the fact that I was a college student, and when I denied they told me I was going to die if I didn't change my lifestyle choices.

I have anorexia, and no, it's not the anorexia where you can see my spine and ribs in one glance (though many hospitals have not been afraid to tell me I will turn out like that).

I have atypical anorexia, which means I have all the symptoms without the weight loss.

Royal Hope Hospital is the only hospital that doesn't bug me constantly about becoming a stay-in patient.

My phone started ringing and I shuffled my textbooks a bit in my arms before finally being able to get to my phone and answer it.


"Jenn! What are you doing for your English paper? My idea is shite. I just have no idea how to write about two opposite blokes, like what do I say? Oh, he was good and the other was bad? How boring is that?! It's like saying why don't I just show the professor that I don't care about the class. That's asking for an F and knowing Professor Winters, he'll be more than happy to comply. Honestly!" My best mate, Jordyn rambled.

I attempted throughout her whole speech to maybe get a word or two in, but to no avail.

Jordyn was the only friend that didn't break up friends with me due to my busy schedule. She accepted that I had a lot on my plate and even if she did like to ramble, I couldn't break up friends with her.

"I don't know what I'm doing. I honestly think the whole assignment is idiotic. Most people have at least one thing in common, how are we going to come up with polar opposites that still accept each other and can old conversations?"

"Exactly!" She exclaimed, and I thought I heard a book slam on her desk.

I laughed. "I have to go, I'm at Royal Hope and-"

"Say no more. You have your check-up and it's time for me to stop bugging you. Adios."

I laughed again. "Adios."

I walked through the doors and slammed my textbooks onto the counter.

"Just a routine check, Jenn?" The woman behind the counter smirked at me.

"Yeah," I groaned and picked up the books again.

"How's college?" She asked, making an attempt at small talk.

"It's the same as always: stressful."

"That bad, huh?" She smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"I stayed up until four in the morning working on homework, all because I had you lot decided I needed to stay here for a day to be monitored." I glared at her and she forced a smile on her face.

"Well, that's my fault." She tried.

"Yeah, but it is the reason why I'm coming here on a Friday." I sighed.

She marked something down on a clipboard quickly.

"All right then, I'll walk you to the doctor's office." She told me and began leading me past the Orthopedic Department.

"Hippocrates himself expounded on the virtues of salt. Recommended the inhalation of steam from sea water. Though no doubt if he'd been afflicted with my students, results might have been rather more colourful." I heard Mr. Stoker, one of the workers at the hospital, say to a group of people.

"What's Mr. Stoker doing?" I asked the woman.

"Oh, he's teaching some medical students." She replied casually and I frowned at the patient they began questioning. He seemed familiar.

"Who's that patient that Mr. Stoker and the students are talking to?" I wondered.

"Don't know." She shrugged. "He was admitted yesterday with severe abdominal pains. He's a bit odd if you ask me. Wait, why are you asking? Don't have a crush on one of the patients do you?" She giggled and I rolled my eyes.

"No- I- Never mind." I shook my head and she leads me into the doctor's office.

I took off my sweater and set it down on the counter as the doctor pulled out a clipboard, barely paying attention to me.

"Okay, Jenn what have you eaten today?" The doctor asked.

"An apple, and er, oh yeah, some rice." I lied.

"All right, I'm going to need you to eat some food here so we can ensure you have enough."

"Again?" I groaned.

"I know, we keep asking you to stay, but if you became a stay-in patient-."

"Which is never going to happen." I replied easily.

He sighed and sat down. "Jenn, if you just considered-."

"I have considered it, but right now my college is above becoming a stay-in patient in a hospital that takes care of me well enough without me living here."

He shook his head and marked a few more things on his clipboard. "All right, you know I don't agree with this, but all right."

"Can I do my homework while I eat?" I asked.

He laughed. "Yes, but make sure you eat all of your food."

I nodded and rolled my eyes. "Whatever you say." I put my sweater back on and headed to my assigned room, passing the patient I saw earlier.

I watched him carefully as he picked through the hospital food.

"There are no good bits, if that's what you're picking around for." I told him.

"Is it all this bad?" He frowned at his plate of food.

"I personally think their fruits aren't that bad, but their meat will be the death of you."

He grinned at me. "I'm the Doctor."

"If you're a doctor why are you in a hospital bed?"

"Not that type of doctor. That's just my name, the Doctor."

"Well, pleasure to meet you 'the Doctor'. I'm Jennifer, but everybody calls me Jenn." I held out my hand and he shook it.

"Nice to meet you, Jenn." He smiled.

"What are you doing here, Doctor? I heard you checked in with severe abdominal pains, but you don't look like you're in pain." I told him, taking a seat next to his bed.

"Ah, Jennifer, you're a smart girl. What do you think?"

"JENNIFER!" My doctor shouted.

"Oh, shite." I sighed. "I'm going, I'm going." I raised my hands in defence, standing up.

My doctor walked over and glared at me. "Why aren't you in your room?"

"Because you aren't my mother?" I guessed and he groaned.

"Go. I had them deliver food to an empty room. Just go."

I grinned and turned to the Doctor. "Bye." I waved and he smiled and waved goodbye.

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