how did this happen to me

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So I had just woken up in the middle of school. Next to me was Mary eating a bowl of pickled popcorn. (AN: PICKLED POPCORN IS SO GOOD.) "What's going on?!" I asked Mary. "Tilapia," Mary replied. And that's when the lights shut off instantly.

"Hello?!" I called out. Then the lights slowly came back on bulb by bulb. Then where Mary was last Amanda replaced her position. "Amanda?" I said. "," Amanda exclaimed. "Why are you in a bear suit?" I asked. "..... SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEACH," Amanda yelled. And that's where everything went black.

The next thing I knew I was slowly waking up in a hospital bed. Feeling slightly hazy I turned to my left to see an outline of a shape that looked sort of human. "OH MY LORD YOUR AWAKE!!!" a familiar voice said to me. "Hello, who's there?" I asked. "It's me Leanne," she stated. "Mary knocked you out with a water bottle... haters would say it's fake though." And that's when everything came back to me. I remembered Leanne ugh how I hated her as well. So the next thing I knew I was pulling of my IV and ripped off my hospital bracelet (still in my hospital gown) I ran past her. "Where are you going?" She yelled after me. "To find my past!"

So I'm sure you don't know what is going on, but let me tell you. I remembered everything. How I woke up in the school. Why Mary had pickled popcorn. Why Amanda was acting so weird... actually i don't know. And why I hated Leanne.

It all started on the first day of school.
(Read next chapter to find out what all happened!)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2016 ⏰

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