...NaNoWriMo - 2008

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Hi! [waves]

This is old... but I decided to post it anyways...

basically, I was looking for something in my google docs and came across all this old stuff... I posted some of it yesterday.. but whatever


'Hope you like it! XD

(P.S. - It doesn't make much sense... I know)



NaNoWriMo - 2008 -

NaNoWriMo - 2008 -


She continued uselessly, for she could not bring herself to stop. She needed only the crystal shard in her right hand to survive and be unsurpassed in anything in the entire territory. She ran faster still. How could she stop now, the mission so nearly completed that the taste was in her mouth, how could she ever return as a failure - it would shatter the hopes of every mortal living on her beloved territory. Still faster, this horror pushed her. She would not let herself even consider accepting the fact that she had failed. She was nearing hyper-speed. Her emotionless, but still beautiful features twitched in grim amusement. She pushed herself faster still - her Spirit governing the body in which she resided. The destruction flowed behind her.

Chapter One:

The humanoid immortal stared wide-eyed during her Transportation. She kept the naïve and childish appearance of being innocently bewildered.

Immortal - in her softest most pitiful and pleading voice: "Please, explain exactly what is happening - I am confused,"

She was addressing the large guard sitting to her right. She sat watching with amusement-tinged satisfaction as his eyes shortly went completely blank. As he was shaking his head to clear it, a stand of stray hair touched the girl. A smile flashed across her face for four nanoseconds. Now, she could 'hear' all of his current thoughts. As she advanced in maturity and age, her abilities would grow with each advancing year - one day she would be able to 'hear' all his thoughts, 'see' his briefest memories, and 'feel' each feeling that anyone has ever felt without even touching, or being touched, by the person - instead of only being able to read the tenor of the thoughts. Moreover, with more practice, she would be able to store everything about anyone, in her infallible mind with less and less time. The smile flashed again. She read his thoughts and was bemusedly surprised at what she 'heard'. She found him comparing her to another, younger mortal.

Hmm. She had never really thought of herself as comparable. She mentally shook her head as a realization struck her.

Of course he is trying to find out my age - all mortals are curious about such things. How odd of him to find me younger than his twelve-year-old son... I suppose I am, in the visible physical sense, younger than...Timothy-Robert. Still odd, though.

Timothy-Robert, meanwhile, was terrified. His guardian had been called off on important, urgent and secretive work. Yes, that was all good and fine but T-R knew something was terribly wrong.

T-R had always been kidded for his unusual name; Timothy-Robert is not exactly a commonly registered name. On his tenth birthday, his friends had come over to celebrate. It turned out to be one of T-R's worst days - ever. He (former) best friend, named Joe had been in charge of his birthday cake. He wrote, in icing, "Tim-Rob" on the cake and went on to explain in belated commentary, - for everyone had burst out laughing - "Your name is just too long." Secretly, T -R liked his named. It was unique, even if he felt as though he would develop Carpal-Tunnel because of it. He, rightly, felt that his name fit him. He was about an inch taller than average with the average weight on his frame. He had thick dark brown hair. His eyes were a clear blue/green. His movements were always quick and precise. He sometimes 'feels' when something is either very wrong, very right or, rarely, strongly undecided. Today, it was unidentifiable - and that terrified Timothy-Robert. As scared as the eleven year-old was, his concern for his guardian outweighed any troubles he might have. Therefore, he followed guardian's transport all the way to the Port. At the Port, he stole to the extra compartments that are never used, and hid there until he felt is was safe enough to check on his 'father'.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2010 ⏰

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