Chapter 2

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5 Years later ~

The prince and the princess were playing together in the garden peacefully  , they were playing with a ball . Noctis throw it at his sister and she did the same , but the next turn Milydia accidentally lit the ball on fire . The prince panicked and then try to put out the fire but it was useless

"Dad Dad !! "

The King came back with Drautos and Cor and then put out the fire , he came closer to his children and took them in his arms

"Is everything okay ? No one of you are hurt ?" they both said no , the little princess was crying

"I'm sorry daddy ....that's my fault ....i put the ball on fire I'm sorry " Now she was crying against her father's chest

" shhhht no need to cry honey , i told you that your power will came soon or later , you will just have to learn how to use them"

"B-but ..I-if i don't ? I...I don't want to hurt anybody ...." her brother then took her in his arm too and kissed her forehead "We will help you I promise , you have us you know" he smiled at her and she calm herself and kissed her brother and her father on the cheek "Thank you I love you , both of you! "

5 years later ~ (Now she is 10 so Noct is 15)

The princess was about to get out of her room but she heard a knock on her door

"Yes ?" Her dad and a young boy who seem to have the same age as Noct entered the room

"Ah Milydia you are here I thought you were out . Can I talk to you before you go out ? "

"Oh sure " she sat on her bed "So , what do you want to talk about ? "

"You know Noct have Ignis as his royal advisor and Gladiolus as his bodyguard , i wanted to assigned you someone too ,  come closer " he looked at the young boy and came closer to the King and her daughter "Present yourself would you " The  young boy was a bit uncomfortable and then present himself

"My name is Nyx Ulric my Lady" The princess blushed a little and respond a little "Nice to meet you ..."

"He will be your personal bodyguard from now , I know you can fight well by yourself but if you have any problems I want you to be safe , do you understand Daia ? "

"Yes  I understand dad " she smiled at her dad and he stand up from the bed and get out of the room " I let you speak together to know more about each other" He closed the door and let the two children together

" Hum .....sooo when you're going to be an adult you will be a member of the glaive ? "

"Yes my lady , but even if I am not with you ,there will be always someone to protect you"

"Oh I see .....but  you know you don't have to be so formal to me "

"But you are the princess ...." She let out a chuckle, stand up from her bed and approach her new bodyguard

" I don't care , you know ..I don't have a lot of friend so ...please when we are alone call me by my name okay ? " He hesitated a moment and agreed

"Yes ...Milydia" She smiled and kissed him on the cheek "See ? it wasn't that hard " He blushed a little an then smiled softly at her "Oh I was thinking , how old are you Nyx ? you seem to have the same age as my brother"

"I am 16 years old my la- hum I mean Milydia ..."

"You are one year older than my brother" she smiled at him and then got out of the room with him and went to the glaive's quarters

"Drautos ? You're here ? "

"Yes I am my Lady , what can I do for you ? It's not the time for your training , we already trained this morning"

"Hum yes ,I know , but I'm not here for this, I was searching Crowe . Is she here ? "

"I'm sorry my Lady but Crowe is actually  with her superiors to learn more magic spells , maybe another day Princess"

"Oh ...too bad ...Can you tell her to visit me when she's gonna come back please ? "

"Sure my lady ...oh look at the time .It's time for you to go to bed princess"

"But I don't want to this is too sooooon "

"Come on Princess or your father will be mad at you"

"mqkjqhgqjkh Fine ...." She came back in her room and changed herself into a dark blue pajamas and went to bed
.Nyx entered the room when she finished to change herself and then tell her a good night

"Nyx ....please ...can you...Can you stay with me until I fall asleep ?" "Sure Milydia" he sat next to her sleepy form and wait until she fell asleep and then kissed her forehead " Sweet dreams princess..." he smiled at her and then left the room.

The years passed , The princess is now 12 years old and Nyx and the others young members of the glaive have to go during 5 years to learn how to fight in the heart of the battlefield

" So have to go .." the princess was very sad because she liked the presence of her bodyguard , she liked him so much that she started to feel another thing , a thing she never felt before ...

"I will be back in 5 years Milydia , I promise to come back more powerful and able to protect you from everything " he gently smiled at her and carefully took her hand and kissed it on the back , the princess was blushing hard and the young soldier too. "While I'm gone Drautos will be your body guard .I have to go now , good bye Princess Milydia"

That was the last thing he told her , then he went into the car with Luche , Libertus and Crowe .The princess was sad , yes , but she knew that she have to do the same , she's gonna have to became stronger to protect the persons she love .But she didn't knew a thing ....Maybe the young soldier ....fell in love with her ....


Hi guys ~

Here the second chapter , hope you liked it ^o^ , for me the "real story" is gonna begin in the next chapter huhu ~

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