Right Before My Eyes ~ Chapter Two

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We were so excited, we quickly grabbed our bags and ran down the stairs and out the door. We saw the SUV in front of the house and it was gorgeous. I personally thought that it was going to be a limo, but thank god it wasn't. If it was then there would have been way to much attention on us, and I would have became a really awkward person in front of everyone. Not pretty. In front of the SUV was an iPad with our names on it, I felt famous. The driver opened the doors for us and smiled.

"Help yourself to the water bottles," the driver told us as he got into his seat, which we gladly took as we thanked him.

I was way too nervous throughout the entire drive to the venue, so Lauren did all the talking with the driver. They talked about the last time he saw Shawn, and his job. It was nice talking and getting to know someone, even if it was only for a while. After a 30 minute ride we were soon in front of the venue. I was shook.

The driver opened the door of the SUV for us, and instructed us on where we had to go. We thanked him for his generous service and headed inside. It was huge inside, massive and it was so hard to believe that this was all happening right now. We were supposed to meet the lady who we won the tickets from, near the box office but she was no where to be found.

We tried calling her and it didn't go through. For some reason I was getting nervous, what if she doesn't show up and something happens. After calling her another time it finally went through, and this time she told us where she was so we headed towards her.

"Hey I'm Heather, congratulations on winning the grand prize," she told us and we thanked her for the tickets and meet and greet passes. "Follow me and in a few minutes we would be heading into line," she told us as she handed us our tickets.

We weren't floor seats but it didn't matter since we already had meet and greet. Heather ended up knowing Shawn's tour manager, and other people working with him so she was able to talk to everyone. In the meantime, Lauren and I just stood around talking. All of a sudden I see Matt.

Matt was one of Shawn's closest friends. Don't get me wrong but as much as I do love Shawn, Matt was really cute and damn I wanted him. We were only three years apart but that doesn't matter to me. My main goal was to meet Matt or Brian, during this concert and I found Matt. No one around me seemed to know who he was, but I knew. Eventually these girls who looked a bit older than me also realized who it was and started following him. Why? I don't know. I wouldn't want to disturb him or anything, but either way we couldn't since we had to stay near Heather.

We kept seeing people walking around, who looked like they could be someone. They were wearing a sticker saying that they were part of Shawn's team and everything. We also noticed a couple of people, who also worked with Shawn, had a camera and mic and were recording the line up for the meet and greet.

Eventually Heather and her group of friends signalled us that it was time to go into the meet and greet line. Since they work with Shawn and knew the tour manager, we were able to get in before the people who actually paid for their meet and greets. If only I had the money, but thank god I won this contest.

We created our own little line and we were soon checked for security reasons, IDed, then we were finally given our wristband and VIP necklace-like badges. After they scanned our tickets we were let inside, only to wait in another line. Ever since we got here, all we have been doing is waiting. Don't get me wrong, but it is just so boring. This line seemed pretty small, but it ended up being longer as we turned into another hallway.

We eventually realized that Shawn had the Snapchat filter for his shows and for the city it was in, so we decided to play around with it and talk about what we were going to say. I already knew that I was gonna mess everything up, and mumble something stupid but I was going to try and say actual words.

The line behind us kept getting bigger, and as more and more people started to get into the line I started to realize how gorgeous some of these girls were. They were so pretty, their outfits were so on point and they looked like someone Shawn would date. I didn't even know them and I was already jealous of them.

As the line kept going we were finally able to see a blue tent at the end of the hall. I had a feeling that was where the meet and greet was happening. We kept getting closer to the tent and it was eventually our turn to enter the curtains. I was so nervous. There were boxes outside the tent and the security told us to put our belongings in there, which we did.

We were waiting to go inside when the security guy started talking to us. "Wanna play a game?" he asked me.


"Put your hands out and I'm going to try and hit your hands, but you have to try and move it away before I do," he instructed me.

When we did play, he lost on the second round and he seemed pretty surprised as I laughed it off. After that round he let us through the tent. At first I thought that I was going to meet Shawn right behind the tent, but he wasn't there. It was the museum part, with most of Shawn's guitars, awards and flannel he wore during the shooting of Life of the Party music video. Before we were going to walk through the museum, this lady stopped us and asked if we wanted a Polaroid picture in front of  some fan work and childhood pictures of Shawn's. After we took the pictures, and she handed it to us, we walked through the museum until what seemed like the end. The security stopped us and told us to get our phones ready for a picture. Which we did.

Lauren went first, so she gave the security guy her phone with the photo camera open and she walked through another set of curtains. Then it was my turn, I did the same. I didn't think we were going to be getting individual pictures with him, but I guess I was. I handed the security guy my phone with the camera on, and walked behind the curtain.

For some reason I didn't think Shawn was going to be there, I thought that it was another part of the museum or something, but it wasn't. It was actually him this time. He was stand right before my eyes, and I couldn't believe it.

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