1:Meeting Boboiboy and His Superpower

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'Oh My Bananas I can't believe that Tok Aba have a nephew and gonna leave here in Rintis Island can't wait to meet him' I thought while grabbing my skate board and was about to go out "Len you can't leave with an empty stomach!" Aunt Liz shouted "But Liz I'm not hungry" I said then my stomach growled "OK maybe I am" I added she chuckle

~Time Skip~

I skate in the park then I saw the shop and Tok Aba I skate my way to the front "Good morning Tok Aba can I have a chocolate shake please" I ask he nod and start making while I was waiting a boy with a Dino hat going this way looking tired "Hi I'm Len" I said while shaking his hand "I'm Boboiboy" he said with a blush 'Is he blushing or its just hot........nah I choose the second one' I thought while let go then Yaya appear out of nowhere "Hi Boboiboy and Hi Len" she said

"Took you long enough haah" she said again he 'hmmm' they talk a little and then Tok Aba was done in the shake with 2 straws "Ummmm Tok Aba why there 2 straw?" I ask "Well you need to share Boboiboy" When he said that me and Boboiboy blush a little and shared "Hey what is this place?" Boboiboy ask making Gopal appear out of nowhere 'Why everyone keep appearing out of nowhere' I though "What this is the most awesome place ever" Gopal said then Boboiboy look at him and said "Who are you?" Then he start talking about the shop while we ignore him

"Who is this person Aba" Boboiboy ask Tok Aba was about to answer "He's Gopal he always ask for free stuff" I answer he understand "I think there's something with this kid" he said I agree there is something wrong with him then he stop and take a sit "Ummm I'm Boboiboy" He said "Gopal your new best friend Tok Aba now that I'm he's new best friend can I get a free hot chocolate please" Gopal said

Tok Aba groaned and start making we look at him "What I was just asking" Gopal added then the phone rang "Boboiboy get the phone" Tok Aba shouted Boboiboy grab and talk to someone 'I recognize that voice its Ying!.......Wait if why is she calling if she's right here sitting beside him hehehehhehe this is gonna be funny' I thought I snap out when the call ended "I'm shy" Ying said "ignore her she's always like that let's just watch TV" Gopal said we watch some random channel then it start glitch then an alien appear "Greetings I am Adudu from ???" Alien said making us gasp

"Surrender all your cocoa beans or be prepare for elimination-" alien got cut off by Boboiboy switching the channel "Hey why'd you change the channel" Gopal said "Boring" Boboiboy said "It wasn't" Gopal added

~The Next Day~ (its still Len POV)

I'm just chilling at the stand then Boboiboy came in "Hi Gopal,Hi Len!" He said and we waved and I'm eating chocolate banana fitters "Hey my new best friend" Gopal said "Hey guys I want to tell you-" Boboiboy was cut off by Ying "WE GOTTA RUN!" We start finishing our food and drinks and start following her "Why are we running away from?" Boboiboy ask "Ummm actually we don't know" I said "Ying why are we running" Gopal ask "Yaya's coming with her cookies" When she say that me and Gopal start panic and Gopal start running faster then Boboiboy stop running

"Hey Boboiboy what are you doing!" Ying shouted I agree "Nothing,what's wrong with Yaya's cookies?" He ask "Dude her cookies are terrible if you eat one you'll suffer!" I said while shaking him then he gave us a 'Really' look "Why'd you guys stop?" Gopal ask coming near us "Ask Boboiboy he won't believe us" I said "Listen Boboiboy we've been best friends for a long time right" Gopal said making Boboiboy confused "So listen to me carefully Yaya's cookies are-" Gopal got cut off by Yaya "Hah what about my cookies" she said making Gopal scream and me jump

"Look I make some cookies for you guys" Yaya said with a smile we look at the cookies we see our death except Boboiboy "Haha it's okay I'm full I already eat some banana's" I said while rubbing the back of my head Gopal and Ying agreed making Yaya sad she look at Boboiboy "What about you" She said he look at us while we make some signs that said 'don't eat it Boboiboy' "What's wrong with you guys?" He ask us making Yaya look at us we quickly like we do nothing

"Let me try one" Boboiboy said he grab one and start taste it then he was gross out "its so-" I cut him off by putting my hand in his face we turn around "Boboiboy there are two things that are important 1. Don't skip school and 2. Don't say the cookies are terrible she'll kill us all" I said to him he understand then we look at Yaya she look at boboiboy with hope "it sure taste good,So tasty" Boboiboy said Yaya cheered she said to take another one but he decline "Hey guys I want to tell you something important" He said

"Were listening" I said while lean a little "Do you remember the alien on TV yesterday" Boboiboy said we nod "Well I found he's spaceship, turns out he's here to steal all the cocoa's on earth" He added "Really!!" Ying ask "Yeah!And then there thus power sphere that gives powers

3rd POV

While Boboiboy friends didn't believe his story Adudu appear "Woah!that the alien from the TV" Len said then Gopal appear right beside asking for an autograph but Adudu shot the paper "Whoa its a special effects" Gopal awed then Adudu shoot Len,Ying and Yaya but Boboiboy protect them "So you've already use the power sphere Blast it! Probe destroy him!" Adudu shouted Then a giant robot appear making us gasp and run away While Boboiboy was fighting the alien we cheered
"Yeah finish him Boboiboy" Ochobot said while appear in his true form

To be Continue...........

Boboiboy:My Life Isn't Normal But Its OkayWhere stories live. Discover now