2:Our New Superpowers and Get Kidnapped

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Forgot to tell you

"..........." Using powers

'............' Thinking

"..........." Talking
Then Ochobot got kick and land in front of us while Boboiboy got grab by the robot and get squeeze "Oh no what are we gonna do" Yaya said Blue light strike us when the light dim down I look at my hands it has weird watch then Yaya punch the robot making it drop Boboiboy I ran and catch him in time and Yaya apologize for hitting the two "Yaya,power of flight and super strength!" Ochobot said while he cheer a little "Impossible they using the power sphere again Probe FIRE!!!" Adudu shouted Probe was about to shoot Yaya Ying appear in its face then ran around "Ying,superhuman speed!" Ochobot said again

Ying keep running around in circles making Probe having hard to aim at her she stop she act that she scared then Probe shoot when Adudu was right beside Ying when he shoot Ying ran away from the robot Boboiboy open his eyes and look at me "You okay?" I ask he nod I put him down and walk to the two my eyes turn into orange "Fire Dragon Slayer Iron Punch" I said while punch Adudu and Probe "Len,Power of Elemental Dragons" Ochobot said again and cheer for us my friends jaw dropped while looking at me I just grin at them then Gopal was in top of them he start using he's power but it never appear and nothing happen they grab him "Let Gopal go!" Yaya said while fly straight to their face

She was about to punch them but they attack first make her thrown backwards "Yaya are you Ok" Ying said but Adudu grab them before they dodge I bit my lip "Let go of them right now you big head" I shouted while Boboiboy walk beside me "You are done surrender the power sphere this instant" Adudu said then Probe tight his grip making our friends squeezed "Use the ultimate power NOW" Ochobot said to Boboiboy 'Ultimate power?' I thought "Boboiboy Elemental Split" He said then a circle appear in his top and then he jump into it when he come out I saw three Boboiboy "Wow" We awe at his ultimate power "Earth Pillar" Red Boboiboy said making pillar under the robot push it in the air making it drop Yaya,Ying and Gopal I ran and grab the girl in time except Gopal "Hey why you didn't catch me" He said I let go the girls "Sorry" I said

~Time Skip~ Still Len POV(You already know what's gonna happen next)

I was just walking the street Until I heard "Help me!" Someone said I look at where the voice is and I saw little robots trying to steal a basket from a old lady I ran there and attack "Wind Dragon Slayer Wing Slash" I said while blow them away "Don't worry Lady I'll get you're basket!" I shouted while going where I blow them and the place where I blow them is
The Dump the most gross and disgusting place I've go trough this is gonna be a bummer

I go there and keep my guard up just in case something happens 'now where are those little robots' I though while looking around then I hear sounds at my front I run at the direction until I saw them they look at me and shoot me with lasers I dodge and attack "Iron Dragon Slayer Iron Sword" then my right arm turn iron and form a sword then I slice them until there's no more robots I wipe my forehead because I'm tired and I grab the purse and go where the old lady is "Granny I got you're purse" I said and give her the purse she cheer and pinch me in the cheeks then she stop I rub my cheek gently I look at her then she sprayed me with sleeping gas I tried not to inhale but failed I got dizzy the lady take her hood then what I saw wasn't a lady its Probe I gasp he grab me and fly I look down I saw Boboiboy trying to grab me but fail then I black out

I wake up and look around I'm in a cage I look around I saw Adudu and Probe I look into my left I saw Yaya and Ying "Girls are you okay" I said they look at me and nod I look at glass I saw Gopal on the room "Hey you why you sound like Adudu" Gopal said we face palm "What are you talking about i am Adudu" Adudu said Gopal gasp and remember something the he start murmuring bout it but I hear what he said "What are you gonna do to me" He said "Oh Nothing" Adudu said then "Really?I thought you said 'I will take this his powers from myself'" Probe said Adudu shush him "But even I don't know what my superpower are" Gopal said "That's try we've been trying to find out his powers" I said the girls agree "I know I've been for 3 episodes" Yaya try to get out but she got zap by the forcefield

To be Continue....................

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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