Hypori Reassignment

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"Sergeant, you have recieved new priorities. Our work here is done, you are dismissed to continue your other activities," General Kenobi spoke through the comm-link.

The ARCs had pulled back to support the main infantry line and were currently keeping suppressing fire on the remnants of the droids.

I could hear the hum and sizzle of a lightsaber, probably turning droids into scraps. I motion for my men to board a gunship and I speak firmly yet quietly, "Acknowledged. Heading out now."

As I skimmed through the holopad, the briefing of our mission was not ideal. Surrounded by General Grievous's army, there were Jedi survivors that my ARCs and I had to retrieve. "Pilot, set coarse for Hypori. Men, here's the plan..."

Without boarding even another Accalamator-class Assault Frigate, the gunship blasted into hyperspace.

It would take half an hour before their approximate arrival time. "ARC-77, I grant upon you the Chancellor's Service Medal, in thanks for the sacrifices you made to take out the Harnaidan Defensive Cannon on Muunlist. You will also be recieving the rank of Captain."

"I... I am honored, Chancellor. But... but I feel that the reward should be bestowed upon CT-43, for his loss in the Battle of Muunlist."

"You are giving up the Chancellor's Service Medal?"

"No, sir, I'm making sure it goes to the one who deserves it." I cut the comm before any further discussion could go on, and by now my men all had their attention focused on me. 

After a moment, I recovered swiftly and snapped on my distinguished red ARC helmet. "Quit wasting time, and prep for an explosive entrance." 

As we leapt out of hyperspace, the Low-Altitude Assault Craft cut through the droid lines like butter as we jammed their signals. We met little to no resistance as we tossed out remote detonators from the sides of the LAAT.

"Sergeant- Er, Captain Fordo. We're approaching the evac site now."

I nod at my men, and the Z6 Rotary Cannon along with the Reciprocating Quad Blaster, our heavy weapons specialists, took one last moment to check their equipment. The rest of the Advanced Recon Commandos sat silently, anticipating the firefight that was about to ensue.

The LAAT burst through the side of the fallen Accalamator-Class Assault Ship that had transported the Jedi generals and we hopped out.

General Ki-Adi Mundi had red eyes, with a dark brown rim developing under his eyes. His exhaustion was almost nonexistant with each meaningful swing and parry that he could muster against General Grievous's seamless flurry of lightsabers.

I whipped out my dual DC-17b Blaster Pistols and my squad fired in unison, covering the Jedi General's retaliation. 

My heavy weapon users immediately unleashed hell on General Grevious, who was forced to put an abrupt halt on his assault and backpedaled, and like a wraith, he swept himself out of fire. But like a serpent, he popped back into the fight. 

Before a blink, four of my ARC Lieutenants had lost their lives. I activated my distress signal, and as if on qeue, our gunship burst through a wall and focused fire on Grievious. Still yet, he was able to evade the barrage, but was forced to flee. Straining my eyes away from the four dead officers, I checked my men and found that they had secured the injured surviving Jedi Generals.

The evacuation was a success. Their deaths weren't in vain. At first General Mundi resisted, insisting we persue. But in low tones, I whispered, "Sir, the generals are in critical condition. We must retreat." I refused to stay behind and let more of my men die when we were still surrounded by droids.

He relented. "... Very well then, Captain Fordo."

And with the flick of a switch, the remote detonators burst as we loaded the LAAT. We hummed out of there almost as easily as we flew in, but with four open slots in the aircraft.

//I hope I brought out some of the hardships and brothership the clones felt, especially the Advanced Recon Commandos' (ARC) independent nature rather than being obedient fodder and tools for destruction. Also, this is essentially a narrative of what was seen in the Star Wars: Clone Wars show. I do not own any rights nor affiliate myself with the Star Wars franchise, but I will take credit for thinking up the following chapters and the events that take place (these will be non-canon, of course. Less canon than the Star Wars: Clone Wars TV show, I suppose). Anyway, I'm sure you've had enough of reading through this paragraph. Don't forget to leave a vote if you enjoyed, and Ciao!//

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2016 ⏰

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