Dover Demon

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The Dover Demon, a creature that was first spotted in the town of Dover, Massachusetts on April 21st and April 22, 1977. On the 21st William Bartlett was driving when he seen a strange creature which he described as having large glowing eyes and tendril-like fingers on top of a broken stone wall on Farm Street. That same evening 15-year-old John Baxter claimed to see a similar creature in a heavily wooded area on Miller Hill Road.

15-year-old Abby Brabham seen that same being the following night on springdale avenue. All 3 teenagers drew what they seen and all the drawing's looked eerily similar to one anothers. Cryptozoologist Loren Coleman named the creature the Dover Demon in April 1977.

Some suggest that the Dover Demon was actually a foal or a moose calf. Police told the Associated Press that it was probably nothing more than a school vacation hoax. Coleman also rejected the theory that it was a moose calf citing official records of moose birthing dates and the absence of moose at the time.

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