Chapter 4: Number 4

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A/N hello once again you wonderfull people of wattpad I bring you chapter 4 of cryans journey. I promise in this chapter things will get moving. I SWEAR I'll try. Anyway onto the chapter.


                   Chapter 4

                   Number 4

Justin's POV~

     I look over Divean's shoulder and see a very skinny girl with long pitch black hair standing a few feet behind Divean, and she's staring right at me. Her golden orange eyes are full of lost and hatred. It's Number 23 standing here in person.

23's POV~

    Justin stares at me, his eyes filled with utter disbeleif and fear. Am I really that scary looking. The dark haired man slowly turns around and his bright green eyes join in on the stare fest, the only one left out is the blond haired girl, I hope she won't join in too. To my luck her dull green eyes join in too.

  " Run Laney, Justin and I can take care of this " the dark haired man tells the girl. She shakes her head and stands tall not afraid of anything.

   " No Divean. I'm not leaving. Neither of you can make me. I'm older now so quit treating me like a child " the girl, Laney, tells the dark haired man named Divean. Divean rolls his eyes and gets ready to throw a punch at me. Why does it seem like everybody wants me dead? I see the punch before it's thrown and hold my hand out and block his punch. Is he seriosly trying to pick a fight with me? Swiftly I throw a punch to his temple and knock him out. Divean crumples to the ground and Laney looks at me in fear and horror and bolts down the hallway with a bunch of loud footsteps. Oh well I'll get her later, she hasn't done anything against me, that just leaves Justin.

Justin's POV~

    She punched Divean. Wow not a lot of people have that much courage. She didn't just punch him she knocked him out.

   Suddenly I hear pounding foot steps as I hear Laney bound away down the corridor. That leaves just me and Number 23.

   " Are you going to be like him or are you going to help me out of this dump?" 23 asks me. Her voice is light and beautiful like 12 years at this place hasn't fazed her a bit. Wow she's giving me a choice. But she wants me to help her escape. I can't help her.

   " I can't help you escape" I tell her. Her golden eyes harden as she continues to stare at me.

   " But I can help you" I say. She gives me a questioning look as I hold out my hand. She then slowly and carefully places her tiny hand in mine as I give her a small smile and start heading down the corridor. Why am I helping her?

   I start taking turns and going into doors leading to more corridors. Why am I helping this girl? I don't even know her that well and I already trust her not to kill me?. Suddenly I end up at an unfamilliar corridor. Great I was to busy in my own thoughts I didn't watch where I was heading, god this place is huge. I continue walking a little ways until we hit a dead end. Only one dark bulky door stood there. I thought I already explored the whole compound. I frown slightly as I stop walking and look at the door.

   " Are you lost " Number 23 asks me " Justin" she asks me again when I don't reply.

  " Yes a little bit, I've never seen this door before." I tell her gently " are you up for a little exploring" I ask her. I turn around to look at her. Her face is filled with curiosity as she nods and squeezes my hand that's still grasped around hers. I turn around again and face the door.

  Coutiosly I put my free hand on the cold door handle and turn it slowly. The bulky door creaks a little as I push it open.

  " Are you ready " I ask Number 23. I look over my shoulder to see her face. Her orange eyes glow with curiosity and exitment. She nods again and I turn to face the open door there's no light what so ever inside. Slowly I walk into the open door and grop around aimlessly across the wall and feel a burnt out torch and grasp it letting go of 23's hand I turn and take the torch out into the hall and use the other lit torches to light this one. I then take it back to the room and put it back in the holder returning to 23.

   The bright light fills the enormous room that unfolds around us. Vials upon vials of grey fluid are stacked on shelves that are all lined up in rows stretching all the way to the back of the huge room in front of us. 23 gasps as she looks around soaking in the sight before her. Her grip on my hand tightens.

   " What are they " she asks me as she starts walking forward towards the nearest shelf. The letter C is on the end of the shelf. As I look down all of the shelves have letters on the, every shelf has a letter of the alphabet on it. I walk toward the shelf with a C on it and pick up a vial. The grey fluid swims before my eyes in the tiny glass vial a tiny metal lid is tightly screwed on top of the vial. The name Carrie, 13 is printed on the lid. Number 13. I remember she was killed trying to escape, she was killed after running from this room. Divean said she'd found out to much and was killed by the gaurds. What did Number 13 find out? What was she doing in this room?

    I put the vial down and walk over to the J shelf. I notice that 23's hand is still in mine as she's dragged along with me. I pick up one of the vials on the shelf. This vial looked older and the cap was a little rusted. I look on the cap and see Justin 4 printed on the top. What I'm not a prisoner? Yet I never remember a number 4 at the compound and I've been here for as long as I can remember. What is in these vials? Carefully I unscrew the rusty cap off the vial and look at the grey liquid inside. Not thinking twice I put the cold vial to my lips and drink the contents. 23 looks at me in shock as I black out still clutching her hand not letting go as I fall to the ground.

                   .     .    .

         A tall women with long blond hair and blue eyes stands above me her hair falling over her shoulder in perfect curls. She's smiling at me her teeth sparkling making her smile warm and friendly.

    "Justin, I've been waiting for you" the women tells me her voice echoing slightly in the completly white world I'm in. Why am I her?

   " Justin you have grown so much. But you can't stay any longer, you have a tremendous task ahead of you." The women says to me again. " Justin you have a task that needs to be done. You have to help the girl." She tells me her smile fading slightly.

   "Go Justin" The women dissapears as I start falling.

             .         .         .

  I wake up with a girl standing above me clutching my hand as if it would slip away. Her long black hair is thrown over one of her shoulders and her orange eyes have a worried look to them.

" Justin I was worried about you! What happened?" She asks me. Oh yeah she's Number 23, the prisoner I was helping. Then it all comes back to me.

  " 23 what is your real name?" I ask her. 23's face falls slightly. I remember now. I remember everything.


{A/N}  And that's chapter 4!!!!!! Hope you like it! I tried to add more action.... anyways REVEIW AND FOLLOW!!!!!!!!

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