They Don't Know

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  • Dedicated to Yasmine Ali


They don’t know you

They don’t know me

They don’t know what you mean to me

They don’t know what we feel inside

They don’t know what fantasy is and what’s real

They don’t know the love we feel

They don’t know the pain we go through

When they separated me from you

They don’t know the feelings we have in our heart

They don’t know love doesn’t die even being miles apart

They don’t know what I can do

When I see anything hurting you

They don’t know how vulnerable I feel inside

When I see a tear role down from your eyes

They don’t know how love can tear one apart

They don’t know how love can build one the bravest heart

They don’t know what it feels to be dead inside

They don’t know it’s impossible to keep you out of my heart and mind

They only know that we don’t obey their rules and regulation

They only know to kill the love and affection

They don’t know the passion that burns

They don’t know how in my vein your love runs

They only know to prove my love untrue 

But they don’t know how truly madly and deeply I’m in love with you

Tell me if they know how hard it gets

Hiding behind a fake smile our tears pain and regrets

They don’t know the pain I feel

When you cry and I can’t reach out to help you heal

They only know the bitterness of life

Tell me when they’ve tried to break the rules and let the hearts revive

They don’t know my helplessness and the vulnerability

When you are forced to obey the rigidness and the negativity

They don’t know how my heart shatters on the ground

When I feel that I lost the my true love that I’ve found

They only know how to destroy but never to build

A love which is not a prison but instead a shield

They don’t know now nor will they later

It’s hard for them to understand the love we have in our hearts for each other.

Dedicated to the love of my life, Yasmine Ali. I always love you angel <3

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