Chapter Nine

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Hana tilts her head, Ker at her side who's licking her paw, acting casual as they both stand in the quiet hallway. "So you waited huh?" Sting calls out, appearing at the corner of the corridor with both exceeds and Rogue at his side.

"Of course... Sting. Ker and myself go everywhere with you four... Do we not?" Hana replies swiftly, pushing herself up off the wall she was leaned against as Ker rises from her sitting position, and leaping up onto her master's shoulders. Her tail curling around her neck as she stays firmly in place.

"We stick together." Rogue mutters, Hana falling into step with them as they walk by. Sting grinning smugly along with his exceed partner. Frosche skipping along the ground as cheers escape from the stands above. Chanting the name 'Jura' over and over again.

"It seems Fairytail's second match is failing yet again." Hana hums, watching her comrades from the corner of her eyes over Ker's tail. "Although, they seem quite determined... it is intriguing, and hilarious all at the same time." She finishes, giving a light cough.

"No-one else matters, all I care about is beating Natsu and I will get it done, no matter when during these games. Whether it's tomorrow, or the last day." Sting answers, just as the group break free from the stadium, leaving the crowds, guilds and annoying people behind.

Lector high-fiving his partner after giving supporting and smug words along the lines of 'You'll do it easily.'

"You only wish to battle Gajeel. Isn't that right, Rogue?" Hana murmurs, knowing with his dragon hearing, he heard her perfectly. Rogue nodding his head in response as they walk through the streets of Crocus, some people wondering about. Yet nearly everyone is in the stadium upon the hill.

Ker grumbles, pulling at Hana's attire while flicking her tail side to side to catch Hana's attention, along with her compadres. "Seems Ker is hungry... Shall we have dinner early?" Hana mumbles, rubbing her hand over the tail as Ker growls in appreciation.

No matter what, Ker barely purrs when she feels at ease. She growls it. Something that sets other on edge, yet they've all grown used to it.

"Alright, Hana-san! But don't you have to shift all your stuff from the competitors room?" Lector asks, stopping like the group and looking up to her as she shakes her head.

"I made sure everything was moved this morning before we left. Master hates slackers, so I made sure to be ready. Hence myself being up early. Orga has also already moved his stuff in." Hana replies, petting Lector's head as Frosche smiles widely.

"Fro wants the usual!" Rogue agreeing as they all take off in the direction of a restaurant that they visit every games. Fireworks exploding in the air, only a few to commemorate the ending of the first day of the games. It's nothing like the celebration when the strongest guild is crowned.

"At least we won't be swarmed again and get back to the hotel afterwards." Sting calls out, stretching his arms over his head. "I couldn't be bothered listening to people thinking they are stronger..." Rogue finishes, quietly. Keeping up the strong, yet silent type.

Sixteenth Orchid, a well-known restaurant over Fiore. Crocus known for its flower bases restaurant names, this one being the best of them all. Expensive, but delicious, and have always never made the group pay due to they're excitement for them in the games.

Or so they say, but everyone knows they are just terrified of them. Even though they haven't threatened them pointlessly, nor has any of the staff challenged them.

Pushing open the doors to said restaurant, they are instantly shuffling around staff. The group making their way towards the table they've sat at each year. Catching the attention of each worker who put on the fake façade that most people do when working in a establishment like this.

Ker plants herself on the chair at the end, holding her head high. Rogue beside Hana while Sting sits opposite them. Both exceeds on the table. Ordering a massive amount of food to share between the five, getting separate for Ker.

"Thy will continue to accompany you lot in the stands... Thou don't plan on standing with those people in the guild I don't speak with." Hana mutters, pressing her chin on her intertwined fingers, elbows on the table.

"It wouldn't be the same without you Hana." Rogue replies, swirling the liquid in his glass, his eyes blazing as Hana smiles softly in his direction, ruffling his hair slightly. "It's not natural having you at my side since we found you in that basement." He finishes, flashing a very faint smile.

"Oh Rogue, thy has enjoyed every second by thou's side. You fill me with joy that I don't think I've ever felt before." She replies, emotions flashing through her eyes before she looks back towards Sting exceeds and Ker. Rogue doing the same in sync.

Shaking their heads, they quickly change the conversation, not wanting their enthusiastic blonde comrade to intervene and notice the looks.

"Like thy said with Rufus... Enjoy your battles. This might be the last time you get to battle against them as they'll be too embarrassed to face you both again."

Simply because the moment she felt a pull towards Rogue, her mind reeled towards Z, and she won't upset him. Knows everything about her. Something tells her that she shouldn't be close to Rogue. But she'll continue, until Z reveals himself.


"Thy will be back soon... Ker... Don't allow anyone inside the room. No matter who it is." Hana murmurs, rubbing Ker's head, ruffling the fur as she barks softly, careful to not awaken the other members of Sabertooth through the walls.

Pulling open the window to the balcony, she closes it behind her. Ker jumping up on the bed, emblem embedded showing as she watches the locked door firmly. Leaping off the balcony, her legs bending to soften the blow as she takes off into a sprint towards Crocus's empty streets.

The moon high in the sky. Stars alight, along with the castle and streets. Bars open with parties raging on inside. Bar Sun being one she passed by and through the window, she notices Fairytail and a few other guilds conversing.

Something Sabertooth doesn't do with other guilds as they are all beneath them.

Hana's eyes lock with onyx eyes that belong to a boy with a mop of spikey salmon pink hair. Keeping her eyes without emotions, she sways past the door and down the street, vanishing into the alley way just as she hears the boy calling out her nickname.

With Z not being sensed in the field, Hana sighed and wondered off, knowing all too well that Z never stays around when they are in Crocus, having mentioned something of a time travel portal known somewhere within the city's hidden walls.

Halfway towards her hotel, she halts, metres from the male who masks himself up for Fairytail, and someone who apparently lost today against Jura, apparently a pretty pathetic battle.

"Unless this is coincidence, thou keep appearing before thy. Are thou threatened by thy, boy?" Hana asks, narrowing her eyes and tilting her head. Removing his mask, blue hair and a tattoo underneath one eye.

"You have an ominous presence. The same presence that some would relate that to a certain dark wizard." He replies, taking a step forward just as Hana sighs broodily. Not understanding a word of his sentence.

"Thou bore me, Boy. Nor make sense." She replies, swiftly passing by him like before. Flashing her teeth towards him before wondering straight in the direction of the her hotel.

Sadness still consuming her, missing Z.



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