Mission abort

7 0 0

Delta: That's not what you meant to be doing.

NCR marine: Sorry sir. Wait your an A.I.

Delta: Yes. Yes I am.

NCR marine: But there an A.I on reach the only one in this sector.

Delta: Yes. But may I ask why you join the NCR

NCR marine: I joined to make money for my family but I can't get it out to them.

Delta: Sorry

NCR marine: Sorry for ho.

York: Okay. That door.

Delta: There was a 92% chance of him letting us go in the vault.

York: 92% not a 100%.

Delta: Nothing is a 100%.

York: Your a 100% boring

Director: York status.

York: Give me a minute.

(MOI means mother of invention)

MOI crewmember: Sir covenant ship in coming.

Director: York were going to blow a hole in the side of the vault.

York: I can do it.

Director: Fire

MOI crewmember: Sir it's a miss. It's going for York.

York: Great. I should have list..

Director: He'll be fine. Squad move in no survivors. Agent Carolina you take north Dakota and Maine and get the core room and rig the facility to blow. Washington, Florida, south dakota and Wyoming give the UNC a distraction. Tex get the package. Move out.

South D: Wyoming there's a advantage point. Get up there and start laying down covering fire.

Wyoming: I don't take orders from you.

South D: Carolina is not here.

Carolina: Wyoming take the point and south give orders again you can get it if you can beat me in hand to hand combat.

South D: Okay boss.

Carolina: Move out on the double.

Tex: Got ya.

York: Thanks. Delta say thank you.

Delta: Thank you agent Tex.

York: What door do you need picking.

Tex: The one to the vault the mother of invention missed and now we got to go through the door.

Delta: It's a 76% chance of us getting shot before we get there.

Carolina: North you'll get the core to go.

North D: What are going to do. No let me guess beat Tex to the vault. But you'll already have left with Maine. Yep of course.

Carolina: Come on Maine we almost there. Here it is. No. No. How could you of beat us we were closer than you

York: She made me run a marathon didn't she delta

Delta: It took us 1 minute and 12 seconds to get here.

Tex: York open this door.

Carolina: No. It's quicker if we blow it up.

Tex: No. The package is fragile

Carolina: Come on Maine lets get this get this done.

Director: May I remind you Caroline that you may be in charge but Tex still out ranks you. Stand down.

Carolina: Yes sir. You and me training room any time.

York: You know she was able to take me Maine and Wyoming it hurt a lot. I mean it hurt a lot.

Carolina: York shut up.

Tex: Fine lets get this done. York.

York: Done. What the. This is.

Tex: Lets get her out. Everyone lets move. Get out now

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2016 ⏰

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