chapter 2

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Bernie heard her phone buzz. She checked it, she had 1 message from Serena.
*Bern, Marcus is on his way up x*

Bernie started too panic, she tried to get up but tripped and smashed her head into the cabinet.
She was unconsious.

Serena had finally payed for the coffees and was on her way back too their office hoping Bernie had got her text.

She got out the lift and saw that nobody was in her office, she wondered where Bernie had gotten too.

Serena opened the door too her office too find bernie lay unconsious on the floor, she put the coffee cups down and then rushed too Bernie's side.

"Bernie can you hear me" "Bern" Serena got no reply of the blonde. "I need some help in here" Serena shouted. Fletch and Marcus came in. "We need too get her into bed now, probably best you aren't involved in this case Marcus" Marcus snapped "Don't tell me what too do, she is my wife and the mother of my children"

Serena didnt know what too do with herself, she was not allowed on Bernie's case because Hanssen believed it wouldnt be helping Ms Wolfe at all and surely Ms Campbell would rather be at Bernie's bedside to comfort her than treat her. In all honesty Serena knew Henrik was right.

Serena watched Bernie closely, she watched everybody who went too Bernie's bedside, until eventually sleep took over Serena.


Serena woke up too somebody screaming, it was Bernie. She leapt up from her desk too try to calm Bernie down.

"Bernie, Bern its Rena, your okay, youve had a fall. Your still in the hospital" "Hey come on its alright" Serena was stroking Bernies hair.
Bernie eventually spoke even though her voice was croaky "What happened too me" "We are not sure, we think you fell and banged your head" "Okay, so whats wrong with me" "Youve got concussion, your going to have to stay in overnight" "Well i was supposed to be here all night anyway" Bernie laughed slightly. Serena sat there stroking Bernie's hair until she fell asleep.

Marcus watched Serena stroking Bernie's hair as she fell asleep, why was Bernie the one happy when she was the one who cheated. He was so angry. He walked over too her bed where Serena was sat.

"I want some time with MY wife" "Marcus she wouldnt want you here" "Of course she would im her husband" "No Marcus" He began too shout "LEAVE MY WIFE ALONE" this caused Bernie too wake suddenly she rubbed her eyes too see Serena with tears in her eyes running towards the office, she looked too her left too see Marcus sitting with her.

"What did you say too Serena" "That your my wife so she needs too leave you alone" "How dare you Serena is my best friend" "Get over yourself Bernie nobody here likes you" he came right in her face and laughed. Then made an exit.

Serena watched Marcus and Bernie from her office. She felt seriously hurt, she had feelings for Bernie but did not know how to go about them. Finding Bernie so hurt lying on the floor made her feelings rush, she loved Bernie and needed to sort this out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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