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Mitch's PoV
So me and Scott did not talk at all during school, we kind of avoided eachother...
We've been flirting a lot over text though, he's so smooth. My parents aren't home all weekend and he's parents are going away on holiday without him so this is the perfect opportunity to invite him over to stay.
I mean, personally I'm not comfortable going too far sexually with him just yet but I guess sleeping over isn't sexual, it's... Platonic.
But we're not platonic, we're literally boyfriends.
I'll see where it goes...

Scott's PoV

So Mitch asked me to sleepover and I don't know what to pack...
I need good underwear, we don't know what will happen tonight... 
Is his house hot or is it cold?
What pyjamas will I need?
What if he thinks I'm weird or ugly while I sleep?
Shut up Scott, you're being stupid now, just ask.
A/N if it is in italics and quotation marks, then it's their text conversation oh and I'll put their initials so there's no confusion

'Hey babe, so I was wondering what to pack for pyjamas, shorts or long bottoms? Xx'-s

'Hey! Um, I don't know, my house isn't too cold but bring shorts and I'll give you a blanket, or you can sleep in my bed with me, whatever you're comfortable with;) xx'-m

'Okay, shorts it is then, I'll be round in 10. Oh, and obviously I'll prefer to be in your bed princess :) I'll keep you warm' -s

Once I was packed, I was in my car so fast I can't even remember if I locked the front door or not. Oh well, I don't care, I'm going to see my baby.
Today was horrible, not talking to him. Not looking into his gorgeous mocha eyes, not hearing his angelic voice, not holding him in my arms. I miss him, I miss his touch and it's only been a day. What's got into me? Why do I think of him all the time? Why am I so obsessed with this boy? I don't know the answers to any of these questions but I do know that I couldn't care less what the answers are. I love the way he makes me feel, like I'm unstoppable, immortal and nothing can hurt us.

Mitch's PoV
He's on his way! I'm so excited. I'm going to cook dinner for us and light some candles. Our first romantic night... I'm... Nervous?

Oh goodness! He's here! Okay, okay, act natural...

"Hey!!!" I threw myself into his arms, he dropped his bag and almost immediately lifted me off my feet and I wrapped my legs around his waist. God I like him so much. His big muscles had not trouble lifting me and carrying me inside, we stared into each others eyes, me still on his hips.
I was looking back at him for what felt like seconds until he broke the stare to get his bag. He placed me back on the ground and asked me where he could put his stuff.

Scott's PoV
I made my way to his room to drop off my bag. His room is so cute, it's got a double bed, white walls. Well, everything is white except for his plants in coloured pots, his curtains and a few accent pieces.
It's so... Tumblr.
I placed my bag down on the floor at the end of his bed and put my phone away, to avoid the temptation of snapchating his beautiful face and starting any rumours.
"Scott, baby. Stay up there for a minute, I have a surprise"-m
A surprise? For me? Oh... I wonder what it is?

A warm smell of Italian pasta and bread filled the whole house. I kind of figured out what the surprise was, he ordered food. Cute.

I began to look around his room, being nosy to be honest. I saw his mirror and started to freshen up for dinner, he had pictures of his family around his mirror.
His mum
He had a photo of me? With a heart around it?
The photo looked new, it was the selfie I posted on Instagram yesterday, he printed it.
Oh my goodness, that's so cute!
I felt my cheeks heat up and I went as red as a tomato.
God I like him so much.
I think I'm obsessed.

"Baby, come down, it's ready"
I snapped out of my bashful trance to run my fingers through my hair and make my way downstairs.
Tonight is only beginning...
That was really bad but I'm so tired and I'm starting school soon so I'm trying to update so you guys have something.

Leave a comment and tell me what you want to happen tonight.

*blows kisses*

Dear diary Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora