Keith x reader: Training

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holy quiznak???? theres like 1k reads on this thing?????? THANK U GUYS ILY

Thank you for the Keith requests!  This one's kinda short, but don't worry, im working on a longer Keith story rn

Also this is like the cheesiest thing ive ever written prepare urselves

The sounds of swords clanging emitted from the castle's training room.  Keith's bayard clashed against the robot's staff.  He quickly dodged the attacks thrown at him, and struck the robot with ease.  He spent so much time training that he could easily predict the robot's next attack.  Keith fought for a few more minutes, finishing the fight by slicing through the robot.  He retracted his his sword and straightened his ponytail.  Keith suddenly heard clapping.  Confused, he looked around the training room to find (Y/N) standing there, applauding him on his victory.

"Uh...thanks?" Keith didn't really know how to respond, he had no idea anyone was watching him.

"You're welcome!" (Y/N) replied.  "But, you know, you should switch things up!"

"Switch things up?"

"Yeah, you know, you should try harder levels.  It seems like you've memorized every move."


The two stood there for a few minutes, silent.  The only sound was Keith's heavy breathing.

(Y/N) broke the awkward silence.  "Or, like, you could spar with someone."

"I guess there's that too."

"D-do you wanna practice?  With me?  I mean I'm already here..."

"Sure, if you want."

(Y/N) took out her sword (staff? I'm imagining like a double sided sword staff thing...) and readied herself for battle.

Keith wiped the sweat off his brow and positioned himself so that he could strike at any moment.  A slight smirk formed on his lips and before you could yell "quiznak" he attacked.  (Y/N) barely dodged his sword, and quickly returned the favor by swinging her blade at him.  He used his sword to counteract her attack.  They went on like that for a while, blocking or dodging each other's moves with ease.  Keith watched her every move, amazed by her swift attacks.  She had only been on the ship for about a month and he was already his equal in fighting.

Keith was getting tired.  His moves were slower and less accurate.  It became harder and harder for him to fight.  (Y/N) soon became a blur.  He staggered towards her, swinging his sword in her general direction.  (Y/N) noticed Keith's exhaustion and took the opportunity to take him down, but not without falling herself.  She may have been a good fighter, but she was still incredibly clumsy.

Keith landed on the hard training room floor with a thud.  (Y/N) followed, falling on top of the paladin.  She started to apologize, but stopped when she noticed how red Keith's face was.  She looked at their position, and quickly scrambled off of him, her face the color of Keith's lion.  (Y/N) covered her face with her hands and mumbled "I'm so sorry" over and over.  Keith sat there, still in shock.  After about a minute of (Y/N) profusely apologizing, Keith let out a chuckle.  (Y/N) stopped, hearing the boy's laugh.  She lowered her hands to see him laying on the ground, shaking, trying (and failing) to contain his laughter.  She realized what had just happened and how ridiculous it was, and a small giggle escaped her lips, followed by a few more.  Pretty soon the two teens were both laying on the ground, unable to control their laughter.  They lied there next to each other for a while, giggling.  Their laughter died down, and silence filled the room.  (Y/N) and Keith just lied there, motionless.  Just (Y/N) and Keith.

And the rest of the gang hiding behind the doorway watching them (probably recording the whole thing).

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