A Snaky Situation

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"Oh Dear Mother Grub, Not Again" Kanaya sighed at the sight of the snake snoozing in her fabric drawer. The same ball python had appeared in the same spot several times in the past week after she attempted to remove it from her hive. "How Do You Keep Getting In Here?" she questioned to herself as she once again picked up the snake to remove him for the third time that week. He was rather docile, suggesting that he may have been someones pet at one point, but that didn't explain how he still managed to get back in Kanayas hive despite the only entrance being a sturdy door with no cracks in it.  Kanaya gently placed the snake on the ground in the woods outside her hive and walked back into her hive, closing the door tightly behind her...

A shadowy figure stepped out of the woods and quietly walked up to the door of the rainbow drinkers hive. Wiggling a (pokemon) card into the sliver where the door meets the wall and pulling it up they were able to unlatch the lock. Then ever so slowly a hand turned the knob as not to wake the troll inside. Unlike most of their species Kanaya slept during the night instead of the day, for she could withstand the scorching sun, but that is besides the point. Tiptoeing inside the troll snuck up the large staircase before entering the sewing room. They reached for the drawer, but before they could open it there was a sudden tightening feeling around their throat. The sudden accidental constriction from the python was enough to make the mysterious troll stumble back into a shelving system with a loud crash. They could hear someone rev a chainsaw a few rooms down and begin to walk toward the room as they tried to pull the snake from around their neck all the while finding a place to hide. The light suddenly flicks on as someone enters the room.

=> be Kanaya

you were peacefully sleeping in your recuperacoon when suddenly a loud crash sounded from presumably your sewing room. Who would dare to bother you at this hour? What sort of shenanigans were they trying to pull? This was just terribly stupid. Better safe than sorry you propose as you fetch your chainsaw from your strife specibus, of which doubles as a beautiful jade lipstick that matches your complexion oh so well. It is your blood color after all. You rev up the chainsaw before advancing the hall to the room. You flick on the light to see all your supplies scattered around the floor. Who does this nincompoop think they are messing up your perfectly organized shelves of needles and thread? Out of the corner of your eye you see something shift within your pile of fabric. You pull away the sheet to find-

=> stop being Kanaya 

"Aradia?" Kanaya exclaims as she sees the almost unconscious body of the rust blooded troll, the snake still obliviously tightened around her neck. She begins to pull the snake off from around her throat, but by the time the creature is loosened enough for Aradia to catch her breath she is already unconscious. Without thinking Kanaya attempts to sloppily preform what seems to be a mix of CPR and a revival kiss. 

"my head hurts" Aradia groans as she begins to sit up. "wait, where's sammy!" the troll exclaimed as she snapped back into reality, looking around frantically for the snake. "Sammy? Do You Mean The Slither Beast?" Kanaya questioned, putting a cool rag on Aradias head. "Lay Down, You'll Make It Worse. 'Sammy' Is In My Drawer Over There". "it was just an accident, he didn't know-"Aradia looked up at Kanayas face, seeing some of her red lipstick mixed with Kanayas own. "did you?" the aries troll questioned, her cheeks becoming a pale red. "It Was All I Could Think Of To Do" Kanaya responded, now rather flustered and her face becoming more and more bright green by the second. "thank you" Aradia smiled, before pulling the other into a hug. Kanaya didn't really know how to react to the pale gesture, but accepted it anyway, wrapping her arms around her fellow troll. "Why May I Ask Did You Bring Him Here Anyway?" the virgo troll asked as she pulled away, quickly regaining herself. "i read that they need the sun to heat their bodies, and what better place to bring him than your hive? it gets the most sunlight and you are awake during the day to care for him. i was hoping you would accept him". Kanaya sighed "Well I Guess That Makes Sense, Although You Should Have Just Asked Me. I Will Take The Slither Beast". "you are the best 0u0" Aradia exclaimed before giving Kanaya a small peck on the lips. Kanaya hid her face in her hands, much too flustered to really respond. "sorry, was that too much?" the rust blood said apologetically. "No No, It Was Just... Unexpected" the jade troll responded while making a poor attempt to regain her composure. She could taste a hint of raspberry from where Aradias lips had touched hers. Only she would be able to taste it though, for only rainbow drinkers could sense the flavor within each troll based on their blood color. Aradias was sweet and shugary yet bitter like a raspberry jam. She then realized Aradia must have coughed up a very small bit of blood while fighting for breath, which now lay remnant on her mouth. Kanaya couldn't resist as her rainbow drinker instincts crept up on her, and she pulled Aradia into a full blown kiss. Aradia was rather confused but eventually melted into the kiss. They continued for a while before pulling away. After a moment Kanaya softly whispered:

"You Are Still Going To Clean Up This Mess"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2016 ⏰

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