Chapter One

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-Kenny's POV-

I was sitting on the couch playing Pokémon Go when my mom came up to me and took the device out of my hand without warning.

"Mom!" I exclaimed as I stood up.

"McKensie, you are spending too much time on your phone." She paused. "So, while your father is at work, you and I are going to clean the house. You can start in the attic."

I held myself back from talking back-she got enough of that from dad-and just silently went up to the attic.

As my head was through the door I could clearly see, what most likely wasn't even half of, the boxes full of things that we didn't even need.

"This is going to be a long day..." I said to myself.


I was on the very last box.

When I opened it, I saw that it was filled with soundtracks. Multiple soundtracks of the same thing.

Big Time Rush? I thought. Never heard of them before... guess it wouldn't hurt to listen to them.

I went to grab the CD player I had found earlier and plugged it in popping in a disk playing the song Any Kind of Guy.

As I was listening to the song I thought it was amazing!

"Any kind of guy you want girl, that's the kind I'll be, turn myself upside down, yes I will, yes I will."

I listened closely to the voice that sang:

"I gotta keep on believin', that everything takes time, I'll make up every reason, to make you mine. If you're stayin' or leavin', I'll follow your lead. So why keep pretendin'? Open your eyes, I can be what you need."

The closer I listened, the more familiar the voice sounded, but I just couldn't place my finger on who exactly it sounded like...

I heard footsteps coming up to the attic so I quickly turned it off and turned around to see my dad.

"Hey, Kenny." He paused. "How long have you been up here? It looks...clean. For the first time since you were born."

I laughed a little. "Not long, maybe an hour or so."

"Okay, well, if you want you can take a break for the rest of the day and come have dinner."

I stood up and followed him out of the attic.

When we were walking through the house to the dining room, I decided I would finally ask him.

"Dad, can I ask you a question?" I asked a little hesitantly.

"Of course!"

"Who's Big Time Rush?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2016 ⏰

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