A Little Bit Of Kink (Shintaro Kisaragi x Reader)[Smut]

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Author's Note: i swear this is not cancer, i hope and ye this is the new edited version or smt if u want to call it like that kk

Warning: Daddy kink bc I want to so stfu and ye this is smut and i knos u came in for the smut so no biggie

His eyes were glued upon the monitor in front of him. You have been checking on him for the past 5 minutes but nothing happened. You wanted him to turn around, just look at you. But his eyes scan the screen in front of him, Ene blabbering on the new anime that had been released a while ago. She wanted to get Shintaro's attention but it didn't work. You heard the virus sigh as she showed up to the larger screen, plastered on his walls, making it look like it's from a sci-fi movie.

"Won't he ever listen?"

She groaned loudly as she flew across the whole screen. You looked at him. It's still the same. You shook your head. You have no idea how to make him turn to you. Looking back to the big screen in front of you, you sighed.

"Ene, I don't know what to do with him. I had been tapping him, pinching him, calling his name, throwing books at him, and he still can't just fucking turn around. What the fuck is this guy's problem?!"

You blurted out. Certainly, you don't know what to do. Seeing it as imposible to make him turn around. You tried everything but to no avail. He was reading some stuff online. Stuff that you can't explain. He's too smart to look at, and complicated if you have to dig inside his mind. Ene thinked, placing a finger under her chin as she thought. You did the same. What is the only thing that you haven't done? Shit.

"Why don't you make him turn on his senses?"

Ene suggestively wiggled her brows, staring at your boyfriend, then back at you. You blushed. It was the last thing and the only thing you haven't done to him. Well, drastic times calls for drastic measures. You sighed and stood up.

"Well, drastic times calls for drastic measures indeed."

Making your way (down town), you stared at him, his hair was tuffled to the side, his hand under his chin, his eyes fixed on the screen, the serious face that he could ever pull, it was sexy for some reason. And you liked it.


You called out. He didn't responded. And so you did your job. You kneeled beside him, your hand trailing his thighs, going up. You felt him shiver, this was going good. Your hand was at it's killingly slow pace, trailing up to his crotch, then to his member. The table shifted a bit, and you looked up. The hand that was under his chin was now covering his mouth, a blush visible on his cheeks. He's already turned on. A bulge was slowly forming on his shorts. You decided to palm him through the fabric. As you felt him become hard, he suddenly moaned out, it's muffled since he had his hand up his mouth. His eyes were closed, his blush getting a bit deeper. You smiled to yourself. This was working, and it certainly makes you turned on as well. You continued to plam him, Shintaro staring to shiver. Muffled moans and groans can be heard as you continued. He was getting harder and harder each time and you could tell that his shorts are getting tighter around him. As you moved your hand away, he groaned loudly, taking your attention to him. He was looking down at you, his eyes full of lust and hunger. It makes you wet on the inside. You smiled and placed a chaste kiss on his lips before standing up. But before you could walk away, Shintaro held your wrist and pulled you to his lap, grinding at the instance. You moaned out his name, feeling him beneath the cloth that was covering.

"Why did you do that?"

He asked, his voice husky and sexy. The atmosphere began to change as the lights were turned down to a dim light and soft music can be heard. It was somewhat like a sex song, blending it in the mood. Shintaro continued to grind on you as you whimpered and moaned. He liked it when you are whimpering on his touch. You are getting crazy. You opened your mouth to say something but a loud moan just came out as he grinded harder.

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