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Normal POV.
Team Natsu is on a mission. The mission is to defeat a demon. When they got there, they realized it wasn't just any demon. It's Zeref's demon.

Lucy's POV.

The demon...it's not normal. I feel something about it. "Natsu! Do you feel it?" I asked Natsu, not taking my eyes off the demon. "Yeah..." he said in a low voice.

"Natsu! Lucy! Gray! This isn't just any demon. I know it." Erza said, strenly. We all nodded.

"Foolish humans. My master does not bother with you." The demon spoke. "Who is your master?!" Natsu shouted. "Master....Zeref."

At the name, I froze. No...no no no no...NO! NOT YET! I...I'm not ready to face him...

"HEY ZEREF!! COME OUT HERE!!" Natsu, foolishly, shouted. "Natsu!!" Erza said, angrily. I look at him in fear.

Natsu's POV.

After Erza said my name, I look back to the others. When my eyes landed on Lucy, I saw that in her eyes...is fear. Why is she scared? It's not like Zeref will come out like that. I'm just challanging him.

Demon's POV.

Hahaha! Foolish humans. Natsu Dragneel....you are still not ready. But since you called my master, I shall send him a message about you. And...that blonde girl. She's terrified. Ha! I'll kill her last. No...maybe master want to kill her. Yes...that's right...I shall bring Natsu dragneel and blondie there to my master!

Normal POV.

The demon lungs itself at Gray from behind, making him startled and fall unconcious. "You shall pay for what you did to Gray!!" Erza shouted. She requip to one of her strongest armor, Adamantine Armor.

Natsu also joined her and attacks the demon. "Fire Dragon's Roaaaarr" he shouted. Lucy was still trembling when suddenly she feel dizzy and fell unconcious.

Natsu saw her and widened his eyes. "LUCY!!" He reached for her but when he touched her, both of them dissapear. Just. Like. That.

Erza that saw, stared in shock. While she's distracted, the demon knock her unconcious. And after that, he left through a portal with a cage that was covered by a blanket.

And inside the cage, is a celestial mage and a dragon slayer that is unconcious.



MISTIE is back! miss me?
So I made this fanfic, but no worries. I will update the others too...........I think.
I'm, like, really tired of school! Like d*mn!!
Have you ever be an eight-grader before?
If you have, I think you feel what I feel.
If you haven't, I'll tell you this; It ain't pretty.
Welllllll comment what you think! COMMENT AND VOTE!!

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