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Zeref's POV.

I walk closer to her and hold out my hand, signaling her to grab it. Fortunately, she understands.

I walked out of her room with her following behind. While doing so, I tried to read her mind. Yet, she blocked it. Hm.

Normal POV.

Zeref brought Lucy to the kitchen. "Sit." ordered Zeref to Lucy. "I'm not a dog that will do whatever you told me to do." says Lucy, not wanting to be ordered around. "Well you prove yourself wrong when you reach my hand like a puppy would." Zeref smirked when Lucy got silent.

Finally, not wanting to argue anymore, Lucy sat down while Zeref went to...somewhere.

When he came back, Lucy was in shock and



In front of her..

Stood the so called Master Zeref..

Holding a plate of breakfast with a pink chef hat.

"Wow um Zeref.. I didn't know you can cook?" She said, staring at him.

He ignored her comment and put the plate in front of her. "Eat. "

Lucy's POV.

~zeref walks in with pink chef hat~


"Wow um Zeref.. I didn't know you can cook?" I asked, staring at him. He ignored my question and put the plate of delicious food in front of me. "Eat." he said, walking away.

unfortunately for him, I saw that cute tiny pink blush on his face.

that is too cute!


hey guys!
yeah yeah I know I updated late.
I seriously don't have an excuse. It's just that I've lost interest in Fairy Tail not long ago. But I'll try and update when I have motivation. For you guys :)

ps. sorry for the short chapter
pss. sorry it's a bit ooc
psss. love you <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2019 ⏰

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