School~Chapter 2

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Y/N walked into hell *school.
Walking past the 'popular bitches' and 'popular guys' (Jacob😍😍)!
Y/N isn't popular, just...average, and that leads to getting judged, every step!

Y/N unlocked her find a note.
"Probably my bestie!" Y/N thought.
As she unfolded the note, she realised it wasn't her bestie:

'Go get a life, loser and stay away from my Jacob'

Y/N was confused. She had barely stepped into the school and these bitches were harassing her.
Just because she sat next to Jacob in science didn't mean she was going to be a homewrecker!
Who would stoop that low anyways? Oh yeah, Rachel, obviously!
Jacobs current girlfriend, who wrecked his and Kendall's relationship!

*Authors note, if you want this story then vote on this one*

Rachel almost killed the girl, poor Kendall!

*Bell Ringing*

"Better not be late" Y/N thought!

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