Chapter 1

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A/N: heyo guys! this fanfic is going to be based of a quote from The Day of the Doctor (Doctor Who's 50th anniversary episode) so enjoy!

Everybody Dreams

Chapter One

"Clara sometimes asks me if I dream. ''Course I dream,' I tell her, 'everybody dreams.' 'But what do you dream about?' She'll ask. 'Same thing everybody dreams about,' I tell her, 'I dream about where I'm going.' She always laughs at that. 'But you're not going anywhere, you're just wandering about.' That's not true. Not anymore. I have a new destination. My journey is the same as yours, the same as anyone's. It's taken me so many years, so many lifetimes, but alas, I know where I'm going. Where I've been going. Home, the long way around."


The Doctor woke up with a start, breathing slightly heavier than normal, but not by much. He was in a bedroom in the TARDIS. Timelords need sleep too ya know. Though, he didn't quite remember falling asleep. He remembered taking Clara home to those 'little daleks' she called children. Ah, that's right, he had taken Clara home, for which she was staying the weekend, and then gone a bit traveling. To where? Oh, he couldn't remember. Oh never the matter, he'd remember later. But what had awoken him?

Well, his dream had. Recently he kept having this dream, with this girl he had never met, but he had a hunch he would soon. Little did The Doctor know, the girl was awoken for the same reason.


Sixteen-year-old, Delilah Mason, woke up with a small smile on her face. She had gone traveling with the odd man with the blue box again in her dreams. She loved going on adventures with this odd man. Did she know his name? No, no, but she would find out very soon, sooner than you could even imagine.

The girl sat up, blowing air out of her mouth, making her pastel pink hair blow out of her eyes. Her ocean blue eyes scanned her room for a minute, making sure all of her stuff was there, but alas, her prized possession was missing, her sketchbook.

Delilah lazily got up out of bed, tucking her pastel colored hair behind her ears again. It was a pain to have hair that ran to the middle of your back, but she deals with it anyways. She stumbled out of her room, not bothering to fix her black boy shorts she used for PJ bottoms.

She walked to her brother's room and tried opening it, finding it was locked. She groaned, "Collin! Open the door right now!"

"Uhm, no." The eight-year-old replied on the other side of the door.

"Collin! Give me back my sketchbook!"




Delilah groaned in frustration and left her brother's door, and quickly going downstairs to the kitchen, where her mom was already up and making pancakes.

"Mom, Collin won't give me back my sketchbook." She whined.

"Collin," her mom yelled to the boy upstairs, "give Delilah back her sketchbook."

"Fiiiiine." He groaned, opening his door, and walking to the edge of the stairs, only to throw the sketchbook down the them. Delilah ran and caught it, hugging it protectively to her chest.

Delilah sat down at the table and quickly ate the awaiting pancakes, holding the sketchbook that was now in her lap. No way she was going to let it out of her sight. Not anymore. Once she had finished eating she ran upstairs and into her room, locking the door behind her. She opened her closet, scanning her clothes. She put on the jeans she has chosen, which were frayed at the bottom from where she stepped on them and had small holes in them, and put on a loose fitting black shirt, with a sweat jacket on top.

With her sketchbook in her blue messenger bag, she headed to her favorite place in her little town, the park. Before she was able to make it out of the house, she said bye to her mom, telling her where she was going, then she was off.

She quietly walked through the streets, tying her hair up into a ponytail as she went. She loved her long pastel pink hair and all but sometimes she just needed it out of her face. She eventually found the park and sat under a nearby tree, sighing softly. It was slightly chilly out, a small breeze rustling the leaves slightly. She pulled out her phone and her earbuds, connecting them and placing the earbuds in her ears. She began to listen to Bulletproof Love by Pierce the Veil.

Delilah scanned her surroundings, smilimg slightly. It was fall, her favorite time of the year. She looked up at the tree she was sitting under, grabbing a leaf from a low branch. She set it on the sketchbook and began to draw the leaf. Once she had, she took a moment to look at it.

"It's missing something..." she mumbled and looked that the paper a bit longer. Then it hit her.

She began to draw that mysterious blue box inside the leaf, erasing the parts where it went outside of the leaf. She drew the little flower field the box was in, again, erasing the parts that went outside the sketch of the leaf. Once she was satisfied with her drawing, she pulled colored pencils out from her bag, and began to color.

After a bit she finished coloring and checked the time on her phone, she had been drawing for almost an hour now. Wow, that's a long time. Delilah groaned, there was no specific time she had to go back home, it was just her legs were starting to fall asleep.

She stood up and stretched, sighing happily once she had regained feeling in her legs. She guessed she could take a small walk, it just being some time in the afternoon. She began to walk around the park, humming softly to her music.

I breathe you in with smoke, in the backyard lights,

We used to laugh until we choked, into the wasted nights,

It was the best time of my life, but now I sleep alone,

So darling, don't, don't wake me up cause my thrill is gone.

Delilah sang in her head, no way she was going to sing aloud, sure people told her she was good, but she was waaay too scared. She continued to walk down the sidewalk-trail through the park, hugging herself a bit. It was getting cold and a hoodie was no longer keeping her warm. Though, it never really did get this cold in Arkansas, well, ok it did, but just not this cold in the fall. She considered going back to her house, to the warmth, but something kept her from turning around.

It was that blue box, but what was it doing in America?

She jogged up to it, knocking on the door quickly, the odd man opening it.

"Oh! Hello! I'm The Doctor, but you probably know that, but the thing is, I don't know who you are."

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