[]1|A strange meeting[]

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November 16/2016

As I walked around, it felt cold, all these layers of clothes yet snow still affects me.

I was always a guy who liked warmth. Any amount of cold would affect me.

I was walking among the street searching for any open store, 'cause I needed some bread and milk.

It was only after a few minutes I spotted a supermarket, walking up to it I opened the door, a blast of warm heating hit me, a blast of relief.

Upon entering I was greeted by an old man, with a bow tie and stripped sweater with brown pants.

"Greetings." He said putting a box in between selfs.

" Hi, where can I find milk? " I said looking around.

" right around the corner, to the left, a right, then go straight for 15 steps then left again. " he said.

I then nodded off walking towards the direction he pointed me at.

It was strange, the store was bigger then it looked. I could see many types of items on the way, like lemon squeezers, forks, garlic cheese.

It was then I knew I was lost, so many selfs, I can't see the exit. I kept walking until I found a lady wearing a red dress. I walk up to her and ask.

" excuse me, can you tell me where I can find milk? And a way out. "

She looks up and said " sure, look to your left."

" what? " I say looking there, yup it was right next to the exit.

" wait you look familiar." She said with question like face " wait did you go to mountain hill academy?"

"Uhh yeah, do I know you?"

" it's me, Emma, you're the guy that puked all over the Santa clause right? "

I was flushed with embarrassment of that old memory " no! That was Jhonny" I lied.

" oh really? Then who are you?" she said"

That's for you, to find out. " I said. " anyway, I have to leave. "

" well I'll see you later. " she said walking away.

That was a strange meeting. I rehp proceeded to collect the eggs and bread, then go outside to meet her again.

I looked around to spot her at the parking lot talking to a guy in a car, just a few seconds later to hear gun shots. I flinched to sounds in fear. Then she turns around walking towards me holding a revolver.

I started to take steps back " why did you shoot that person!? "
" For fun, " she says aiming the revolver at me " but I can't have any witnesses. " but she stops for a few moments. She then looks at the car and looks back " actually, you could be useful " she said throwing the gun to me.

As much of me not being an athlete, I caught it, she then proceeded remove rubber gloves off her hands. " what do you mean? " I said only to realize that she framed me, my fingerprints are on the revolver..

I then tried to get it off by using my shirt to rub it off, but it just tore a part of it getting it stuck.

I started to panic and look up to see she's not there, only to hear police sirens closing in on me.

I started to run with the revolver in my pocket. Away from them towards my apartment.

How much trouble am I in?



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2017 ⏰

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