Finding Something New

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"Is see you are all here......and who is this?" the man with the eyepatch asked.
        "Ummmm........." dad paused.

Maddy's P.O.V

"........thats Maddy." dad finished.

        "And who is Maddy?" eyepatch questioned.

        "Im Tonys daughter ......who are you, eyepatch?" I butted in.

        "Excuse me?" eyepatch questioned angrily.

        "I said....I'm Tonys daughter.....who are you eyepat-"

        "I know what you said, but my name is not eyepatch....its Nick Fury." Fury said sternly obviously a mad that I called him eyepatch.

        "Oh......okay, so your name is Fury?" I questioned.

        "Yes," Fury said to me, but quickly said to dad," You have a daughter and didnt tell us?!"

        "Uh yeah, he did, and why you getting so mad, he doesnt have to tell you his life story." I butted in again getting annoyed. I looked at everyone who looked amused and shocked that I was standing up to Fury.

        "TONY," Fury said slowly so I would get the message that this was just for dad," Why wouldnt you tell us you have this pest?" That got a few people to get listen more to see what would happen.

        "PEST?! Im the pest?! I would wonder how these guys would put up with you?!" I said furiously.

        "Tony, I would like to have a word with you." Fury said calming down. Dad sighed and got up.

        "Yeah, why dont you just leave?!" I said pointing to Fury to the but something unexpected happened, Fury flew across the room and slammed into the door. Everyone gasped and looked at me suprised, even i looked at myself suprised, "What just happened?" I said looking at my hands, then dad.

        "Mad, try to move that coffee cup." Dad said still in shock , I did so, i moved the coffee cup from ine end tocthe long table to Steve at the opposite end of the table.

        "Thank you," Steve said taking a sip of the coffee. Everyone, including Fury looked at me in awe.

        " Maddy?" Dad called.

        " Yeah dad?" I answered.

        "I think you just discovered something new about yourself." Dad said smiling a bit.



So...... Maddy found out something new about herself! Okay, so I promise I will work harder to update more and ,ake the chapters longer. If you have any ideas for this book just comment them. Also, if you have stayed with this book........ THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! I promise i will make it better but this is just the begginning of the book so......yeah! Bye until nexttime my little llamas!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         -Emily :)

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