Junior Year

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"It's not rape, it's impalement." (9/1/16)

"I shouldn't have eaten that bee." (9/1/16)

"I have skin paper." (9/1/16)

"There are no fucking penguins." (9/1/16)

"It's so punchable! I'll get it back up there." (9/1/16)

"Oh my goat." (9/1/16)

"We don't have money for a second dick now shut up and eat your goddamn sandwich." (9/1/16)

"The only straight I am is a straight up bitch" (9/1/16)

"I don't know... Something about guessing while upset then guys while upset then I was corrected, and I couldn't English good but I like kthulu and pizza and kthulu pizza and you said you believe in something, not sure what, and then Steve and now we're here" (9/5/16)

"Seductive Vegetables." (9/9/16)

"I've had so much plastic surgery, I can't feel my urethra!" (9/9/16)

"Step on yourself to end your own life." (9/13/16)

"I get it, we're all sex deprived here but you don't need to get it from a donut." (9/20/16)

"If you don't say something stupid at crew then it's stupid." (9/20/16)

"You look like a confused ninja." (9/21/16)

"I choose you! Tiny tits!" (9/22/16)

"But who has time for makeup when you got the sexiest pop tarts on the planet?" (9/28/16)

"You can't spell weird without a we." (9/30/16)


"Judaism is an airborne illness so you are all Jewish now." (10/4/16)

"This impact driver has been in between my legs so many times we might as well call it Monica Lewinsky." (10/4/16)

"The world must dye, everything must dye." (10/10/16)

"Hypothetically speaking, a small dog is about two pounds, so if I were to cut up and serve a small dog, how many people would it serve?" (10/11/16)

"Hacoocha matata." (10/14/16)

"You look like a possessed constipated guy who likes to masturbate." (10/19/16)

"Can I get a point for saying Froot Loops?" (10/19/16)

"Me-fucking-dusa" (10/19/16)

"Edison is a thieving bitch." (10/19/16)

"Hey, you have a nice face, wanna put your face on my face?" (10/22/16)

"Wanna put your mouth on my mouth and just kinda move it around?" (10/22/16)

"Donut lives matter." (10/22/16)

"Knives and fire: the reason for everything." (10/25/16)

"You have lesbian penises?" (10/26/16)

"Guns, knives, poles and hoes." (10/28/16)

"All you need is dick and ass." (10/31/16)

"Someone dare me to get an erection." (10/31/16)

"Do you really want teeth marks on your testicles?" (11/4/16)

"Nutella is not the body nor blood of Jesus Christ." (11/12/16)

"Freewee because it's like a free wiener." (11/24/16)

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